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Social justice warriors are weaponizing financial institutions

One of the major problems with the modern regressive leftist social justice warriors is that they have been successfully indoctrinated into activism, and there are thousands and thousands of them, and thus they have become useful tools for whatever ideology the social justice ideologues want to do. This is a problem because there is essentially no such organization among their opponents and critics.

In later months the social justice ideologues have discovered that due to the current political climate, they can effectively weaponize financial institutions and online platform services for their agenda, in order to attack, discriminate, shun and shut down any criticism.

They are highly organized. What they are in practice doing is that they are looking at the major online platforms and financial institutions, and recruiting indoctrinated people into, effectively, bullying these organizations until they relent and start changing their policies and banning people. It only requires a hundred or so dedicated social justice warriors to constantly spam the target corporation via all possible means of contact, such as Twitter, Facebook, email and so on, 24/7, every day, for weeks or months, until the corporation relents and does what they want.

Even the most innocent, unbiased and apolitical companies will eventually relent. They only see that hundreds of people are sending them messages complaining about this-or-that user, or this-or-that channel, or whatever it is that the SJWs want banned. They will be unable to see that this is effectively an organized massive online bullying campaign. The only thing that the company will see is tons of people complaining about a particular user or entity.

These complaints will often contain outright lies about that person or entity ("white supremacy" being the most common accusation). Most often than not, the company will probably not check the veracity of the claims, and simply assume that they are correct, especially if they seem to be backed up by some "credible" entity (the SPLC being the number-1 favorite of SJW activists, because the SPLC is a full-on SJW organization, and constantly slanders the exact same people and entities that SJWs themselves hate.)

So, the company sees hundreds of complaints about a particular client of theirs, perhaps even see references to some SPLC web page, and simply assume that the complaints must be true. Why else would there be so many?

Even if a particular company doesn't care and simply ignores that massive campaign, the weapons used by the SJW activists don't end there. The pressure will then be chanced to the financial institutions that deal with that company. For some reason (that to my knowledge has still not been disclosed or leaked) the major financial institutions such as PayPal, Visa and Mastercard, are more than happy to comply with these demands and pressure their client companies to ban those users, entities and websites. Often the company has no choice but to comply, lest the financial institution end their business deals with it. Yes, most of the major financial institutions are outright blackmailing their client companies to ban people with the "wrong" political opinions.

This kind of blackmailing is probably illegal, and the sort of collusion and abuse of monopoly status that they are engaging in is also probably illegal, but the United States government, even under Trump's administration, is too slow or too unwilling to even investigate, much less do something about it. (The FTC is probably the governmental institution most suitable for doing this, but it's my understanding that they haven't even started an investigation of any kind so far, unless they are keeping it under the wraps.)

And there is no limit to what kind of platforms they can end up harassing like this. Even if it's just a small online forum somewhere, with just a couple dozen people, if some SJW wants to shut it down because they don't like the people there, they will be able to: Simply find out what hosting service or ISP is providing the servers for that forum, and launch the army of SJWs to bully that company to shut down the forum and deny it service. If the company doesn't comply, simply escalate the bullying up the hierarchy, all the way up to the financial institutions the company relies on, and eventually the company will be forced to shut down the forum, lest their finances by completely crippled and the company killed. When the SJWs start a campaign against a certain forum, the financial institutions like Visa and Mastercard will happily oblige. They have proven this already, time and again.

The major problem with all this is that there is no counter-movement to any of this. There are individual people talking about it and pointing it out eg. on YouTube, but that's it. That's where the counter-activism pretty much ends. There is nothing stopping those SJW activists from organizing their bullying campaigns, and from companies complying. And it's only escalating by the week.

And the only entity that could ostensibly do something to stop all this is the United States government, and they aren't doing anything about it. (Maybe in the next months or even years some kind of investigation might be done, with Senate hearings and all, but by that time most of the damage will have been done.)

Since all major financial institutions and companies are complying, and willingly becoming political weapons for the regressive left, it's only going to escalate further and further. The number of companies being bullied into submission will be ever-increasing. The group of people, entities and things that will be banned will become larger and larger, to ridiculous extents, with completely ridiculous things being purged. The social justice warriors will not stop once they get a taste of power. They will keep going on and on, no matter what, no matter how far. And so far there's nothing stopping them, and they know it, and they are laughing.

Free speech is being eradicated, and it's not the government doing it.
