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Skilled immigrants... good or bad?

For a couple of decades now the regressive leftist multiculturalists have been pounding on how immigration is a net benefit because of all the new labor force that's coming into the country. (Because of the current self-imposed "refugee crisis" in Europe, where everybody knows that at least 99% of the immigrants aren't very highly educated or trained, this narrative has taken a bit of a backseat, but some of those multiculturalists still maintain that same claim when the question comes up.)

In order to back this claim up, they just love to take individual examples of immigrants who indeed are highly educated and trained, for example being a mechanical engineer, some kind of lab researcher, or having a doctorate in medicine (and quite happily ignoring the fact that those people form a microscopic minority of all immigrants and people seeking refugee status.)

But yes, it is indeed so: Some immigrants are indeed highly educated and trained, for example as medical doctors, and these people do indeed benefit the hosting country via their work.

The thing is that the question remains: Is this a net benefit overall, a positive thing... or is this also a negative thing?

How could it possibly be a negative thing, you might ask. And no, I'm not talking about these people taking away jobs from native people (which is the stereotypical portrayal of nationalist racists).

Yes, these people do indeed benefit the hosting country... usually a rich western country... at the expense of their country of origin.

What the multiculturalists never stop to think, when they point out these individual cases, is how that person immigrating into the country affects that person's own original country. We are now benefiting from the expertise of that person, which is away from his country of origin.

This is not just a hypothetical, or a minor thing. See for example this article from 2011 about African countries losing medical doctors because of their massive emigration to European countries. In fact, this is only becoming worse and worse. Some African countries have a staggeringly low number of doctors per capita, one of the major reasons for this is that most people who get a doctorate in the country immediately move out (usually to Europe or the United States).

So, in a huge twist of irony, the regressive leftist multiculturalists embracing and celebrating the highly educated and trained immigrants is, without them realizing it, actually celebrating western countries pretty much robbing poor countries of their skilled and educated people. It's kind of a weird indirect form of colonialism, where rich western countries are exploiting poor countries and taking away their skilled people to benefit us, at the detriment of those poor countries. Western countries are getting richer, and getting more skilled people, at the expense of poor countries, who are worse by the fact.

And the multiculturalists are completely oblivious to this. (And, I'm sure, even if someone were to point this out to them, they would ignore the whole problem, or make up excuses. Or pay some minor lip service to it, only to immediately forget about it and ignore it.)
