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White liberals are more racist than white conservatives

Yale University has published the results of a research that seems very unusual in this day and age, in the current political climate. (I suppose it's a bit comforting to see that at least some universities are still not completely and absolutely invaded by social justice ideologues.)

This study seems to indicate that white American liberals tend to have more racial prejudices and patronizing attitudes towards black people and other minorities than American conservatives.

More precisely, the project studied what kind of speech and vocabulary white people tend to use when addressing black people and other minorities, versus when addressing other white people. The study includes speeches made by politicians (eg. presidential candidates), as well as a separate study made for the project using random people.

As the report above says, "white liberals tend to downplay their own verbal competence in exchanges with racial minorities, compared to how other white Americans act in such exchanges."

What that means in practice is that white liberals tend to use, by default, simpler words and expressions instead of more complex words, when addressing racial minorities.

As an example, in one experiment white people were tasked to write an email to a people with typically "white" names and typically "black" names, using words from a given list. White liberals tended to use simpler words, like "sad", instead of more complex words, like "melancholic", when the perceived recipient seemed to be black.

No measurable difference was found with white conservatives (neither politicians, nor the people in these experiments).

Even more tellingly, when the black person was hinted to be highly intelligent and capable, the liberals stopped using simpler terms and expressions.

Yes, that's right. White American liberals tend to simplify their vocabulary when interacting with racial minorities, in a very similar way as how adults use simpler words when talking to children. No such behavior was observed from white American conservatives.

What this tells me is that there's something about the American leftist ideology that makes its followers have a very racist patronizing bias and attitude towards racial minorities. That gives them the instinct that racial minorities are by default less educated and thus have harder time understanding complex speech, and thus need to be spoken to with simpler terms, like they were children.

Ironically, American conservatives seem to treat racial minorities without such prejudice, as equals.
