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The ACLU is a racist organization that supports racial discrimination

Harvard, one of the most prestigious universities in the world, is a racist institution that engages in racial discrimination.

The admission process to Harvard includes a test that contains verbal and math components, and is scored up to 1600 points. The minimum points required for an applicant depends on the race and sex of that applicant. I kid you not.

For black, Hispanic and Native Americans this requirement is 1100 points.
For white people, it's 1310 points.
For Asian-American women, it's 1350 points.
For Asian-American men, it's 1380 points.

That's right. Harvard University is looking at people's race and sex, and making it harder for some people to be enrolled if they have been born into the wrong ones. They look at an applicant, look at how he or she looks like, and change the requirements depending on this outwards appearance. If the applicant looks Asian, then the requirements go up. If the applicant looks black or Hispanic, the requirements go down. They quite literally stack the deck against people who look the wrong race.

This is racial discrimination in its purest form.

There is an ongoing class action lawsuit against Harvard University precisely because of illegal racial discrimination, where the plaintiffs, mostly American Asians, are complaining about being racially discriminated against.

But hey... the title of this blog post says "ACLU", not "Harvard University". What gives?

The ACLU, or American Civil Liberties Union, an organization that supposedly exists to defend people's civil rights (and is arguably the most famous and influential American organization dedicated to this)... actually support this racial discrimination by Harvard. They have expressed their support several times, but this tweet takes the cake:
"Make no mistake: A lawsuit against Harvard that's purported to represent the interests of Asian-Americans would, if successful, primarily benefit white students. #DefendDiversity"
That's right, not only do they fully support and endorse this racial discrimination, but their motivation to do so is to attack white people. It appears that to the ACLU Asian-Americans are a completely acceptable sacrifice, as long as it hurts white people. Their problem with bringing justice and equal treatment to Asian-Americans in this situations is that, as a side-effect, white people could perhaps  benefit from that same equal treatment as well. And we can't have that, do we? If discriminating against Asians helps discriminating against white people, the ACLU are A-ok with it. American-Asians are a completely acceptable sacrificial lamb to these people. They are completely ok with a university telling an Asian person "sorry, you can't get into our school because you look too Asian". They are completely ok with restricting people's access to higher education due to their race.

The ACLU is one of the most racist organizations in the modern world.
