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Are "multiculturalist" politicians guilty of treason?

Just like social justice warriors, also extreme leftist "multiculturalist" politicians have in recent years become more and more open and blatant about their policies and intentions. They aren't afraid of stating outright, directly and openly to millions of viewers things like, for example, "native people will become a minority in the larger cities, and that's a good thing". Or that the government's policy is one of "dehomogenization" (meaning that they want the population of the country to become significantly less uniformly white).

More and more European countries have in recent years taken a very aggressive policy of mass immigration. While in the past the amount of immigrants and "refugees" could be counted in the thousands, in the past few years we can literally count them in the millions. Germany has been on the forefront of this trend, with over 2 million immigrants during the past few years, but Germany is not alone in this. The politicians of most of these countries aren't ashamed of publicly stating that they want as many immigrants as possible, to permanently settle in the country, replacing the majority of the native population. Some of them even go so far as to openly state that they desire the original native population to become a minority in the country, that they welcome it with open arms.

Denying and censoring the problems that mass immigration is causing has become routine. In most European countries the mass media willingly acts as a propaganda mouthpiece for these policies, and there's a de facto censorship policy, both from the mass media and the government, on the problems of mass immigration, crimes committed by immigrants, and so on. In some countries, such as Sweden and to a large extent the United Kingdom, crimes committed by immigrants have overwhelmed the police forces so much that they don't even investigate the majority of them anymore.

Could this behavior from the part of the government be considered treason?

Treason is defined as giving support or aid to foreign forces or nationals in overthrowing one's own government or invading the country, or actively participating in such an action in conjunction with these foreign forces. Depending on the jurisdiction, it may also be considered treasonous to promulgate the desirability of such a thing happening.

The most important duty of the government is to promote the interests and benefit of its electorate, the citizens of the country. This is the fundamental core of the so-called social contract. Moreover, in representative democracies the government is the people. It's elected by the citizens, from among the citizens, for the benefit of the citizens. The government's duty is to protect the rights and interests of the citizens, its electorate.

What happens when a government starts instead to drive the interests of foreign nationals and, moreover, engages in a policy that could be quite accurately described as occupation of the country by foreign forces? Not only are the interests and well-being of foreign nationals put ahead of the interests and well-being of the citizens, but moreover those foreign nationals are brought inside the country en masse, as a de facto occupation of the country, with the open intent to replace the native citizens with these foreign nationals.

I think that this could quite well be argued to be aiding foreign nationals in the occupation, even invasion, of the country, at the detriment of the native citizens, in order to replace them and give the majority power to these foreign nationals, with little regard to the interests and well-being of the original citizens.

In other words, I think that this could quite well be argued as being legitimate treason.
