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The new live-action Snow White movie is the epitome of "woke Disney"

It is quite well known that Disney, as with the rest of the majority of the American entertainment industry (especially Hollywood) has become "woke" since quite many years ago.

One of the defining core characteristics of modern "woke culture" is the absolute hatred and disdain of not only white people in general, but consequently anything that can be considered traditionally European, or part of European culture (which is often misnamed as "white culture", even though there's no such thing.)

One way in which far-leftist "woke" people show their disdain for European history and culture is to take this history, or parts of this culture such as traditional fables and stories, and distort them in a way that changes or erases white people from them. So-called "race-swapping" is the most common way to do this: Take such a story, and change traditionally white people from it to non-white people. Quite often this is deliberately provocative, done with the explicit intent to elicit a reaction, to elicit protest.

Engaging in a double-standard is a given, of course. In other words, "race-swapping" is only done in that one direction, never in the opposite direction. ("Race-swapping" a non-white character with a white character is not only never done by them, but in fact is considered one of the worst crimes against humanity. It's considered "racism". But only when done in that direction, of course.)

Over the last years Disney has been on a quest to do this kind of race-swapping in all of their stories. A few years ago they made a live-action remake of The Little Mermaid where, unsurprisingly, they replaced the eponymous character with a black woman. This even though the original story is a Danish fairy tale.

Not to be outdone, their latest antic goes even further than that, and is even more obnoxious. Their latest live-action remake is that of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, which has caused even more of a controversy.

The original story is a German fairy tale, and the race-swapping of the main character is especially obnoxious because the very name of the character, Snow White, refers to her skin complexion (this is very explicitly said in the original fairy tale). It is quite explicitly stated that the eponymous character had a paler skin than even the average of the time. This makes race-swapping her with a Hispanic actress all the more obnoxious and in-your-face.

(And no, this is not about some kind of racist idea that the racial purity of such characters should be preserved, or anything like that. This is about faithfulness to the source material and, especially, about the reasons and motivation behind the race-swap. It was quite clearly not done with innocent motivations behind it. The reasons were very clearly politically motivated, and with the intent of engaging in social engineering and deliberately antagonizing a large segment of the population at the same time. A quite clear message of "we are going to take your culture and history, everything that you hold dear, and change it to something that (we assume) you hate. We are going to extricate you and your culture and tradition from history. Even your traditional fairy tales we are going to change.")

And they didn't stop at race-swapping the main character. They removed the prince from the story completely. Heaven forbid we have a man who saves a woman from a predicament she is in. That cannot be allowed.

And, naturally, they did not engage in race-swapping with regards to the main character only. Obviously the seven dwarves themselves had to become "diverse".

Hilariously, they also replaced the dwarves with just normal people, which has elicited criticism from their own side, who are accusing Disney of "ableism". Disney had quite explicitly stated that they used normal people out of some kind of "respect" towards people suffering from dwarfism... which of course backfired because they apparently didn't remember how important "representation" is to the far left. By showing "respect" to such people they erased them completely from the movie, as if they didn't exist at all. Way to go.
