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I will never understand American police

American police officers are quite infamous all around the world for their lack of knowledge of the very laws they are enforcing, and their constant abuse of their power. There are literally thousands and thousands of videos out there of police officers demanding people's ID when they don't have a legal right to do so, making false arrests (for example for failure of showing ID when the person didn't need to legally do so), trespassing people from public places that they can't be legally trespassed from, as well as of course all forms of police brutality, physically abusing and torturing innocent people, and so on and so forth.

American police officers very frequently charge people with completely made-up bullshit charges, if you so much as look at them in the wrong way. They are also very notorious for making up bullshit charges in order to justify their mistakes (in other words, when they eg. enter the wrong home, stop the wrong car, or assault the wrong person by mistake, instead of immediately stopping and letting the victim go, they will double-down and do everything they can to find something to pin on the victim, in order to justify their erroneous action.) There are likewise myriads and myriads of videos about this exact thing (for example forcefully entering the wrong home because they misread the address, and rather than immediately stopping and exiting the premises, instead they just keep illegally detaining the inhabitants and illegally search in order to pin something on them. Or after stopping a driver by mistake, instead of stopping and letting him go, they just keep on illegally searching the car in order to try to find something to pin on him, to justify the stop.)

But then there's the other extreme of the spectrum: That of utter incompetence.

So-called "sovereign citizens" in the United States just love to, purposefully and out of principle, drive around in their cards without valid license plates, without insurance and, of course, without a driver's license. They believe they have the right to do so, and that the police has no right to do anything to them.

Usually when the police stops them for a traffic infraction or for not having valid license plates, or the plates being expired, they will argue against the sovcit word salad from 5 to 15 minutes before arresting him or her. (The most satisfying videos of this kind are the ones where the police break the car's window because the sovcit just refuses to exit the vehicle.)

Those cases are usually handled properly.


That's because sometimes you have the completely incompetent police officer who, after arguing against the sovcit word salad for 15 minutes will just let them go. Maybe with a citation, but the officer still lets them go and continue driving.

That's right: No driver's license, no insurance, and no valid license plates... and the police officer just allows the sovcit to continue driving.

Here in Finland you cannot drive a centimeter on a public road if you don't have a driver's license or valid license plates. You would be immediately arrested if caught.

Yet, when the traffic cop is incompetent enough, they just let the sovcit go and continue driving without valid plates nor documents. It's just incredible.

One concrete example here.
