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The reason why the far left keeps repeating the same false narratives

One of the notable characteristics of the modern far left is that whenever something happens that they can milk for their political agenda, they will come up with a narrative that supports their agenda, and then they will start repeating that narrative as fact, over and over and over, for years and years, even if overwhelming solid evidence is presented that the narrative is completely false.

This is especially popular among them when accusing someone of being "a right-wing extremist" and having committed some kind of hate crime or other type of crime against the far left in some manner. No matter how much solid evidence is brought forward that these accusations are completely false, that doesn't matter: Once the narrative has been established, they will keep repeating it as fact, no matter what.

This is, of course, an agenda, and there's a clear purpose to this. Perhaps many/most of them aren't consciously thinking of this purpose and the fact that they are doing this in order to further that agenda, but in practice this is exactly what they are doing and why they are doing it.

And the agenda is pretty simple: Repeat the same lie until it becomes established truth. Engage in some good old "history is written by the victors". In other words, they want their narrative, no matter if it's actually true or not, to become established fact, to be essentially written into history books, and for the actual facts to be hidden and forgotten. And the way in which they are trying to achieve this is to just keep repeating the narrative over and over and over, until it becomes a widespread well-known "fact".

They quite deliberately do not care about the actual truth. The only thing they care about is the agenda. I'm quite certain that a good portion of far-leftist activists would outright say it if asked in the proper way and context: They would purposefully and gladly lie about events, present a completely false narrative about it, if it furthers and helps their political agenda, if it somehow hurts their "enemies" and/or helps their own side gain power in society. The end justifies the means. Actual truth is irrelevant, what matters is the end result. If some lies need to be told in order to achieve that end goal, it's entirely justified.
