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There are only two possible outcomes for the current self-inflicted crisis in Europe

At the moment of writing this, there's yet another massive spree of rioting in France, done pretty much exclusively by immigrants. The rioters are burning down libraries, primary schools and cars, destroying shops, and rather obviously looting expensive stores. The riots have spread to other countries too, like Belgium.

This is, of course, not an isolated case, just the latest one. There have been similar riots in the recent past, and there will be in the near future, at an ever increasing rate.

France, among many other European countries, has imported literally millions of people from other countries, out of principle and with complete disregard to how economically and socially feasible it is, and with zero plans on how to integrate those people and manage such a massive influx of people who don't even want to integrate.

The results of this can be seen all over Europe.

Given that literally millions of people are still entering Europe every single year, and almost none of them are integrating, this is only going to get worse and worse. And at this moment there's absolutely nothing stopping them. On the contrary, most European governments are doing their hardest to accelerate the process. They are doing it deliberately and purposefully.

This is self-destruction. There's no way around it. European countries are willingly and deliberately destroying themselves. They are bringing in as many immigrants as possible, and engaging in massive propaganda campaigns to try to delay the native population from noticing what's happening and raising up.

Since there is no end in sight, I can see only two possible outcomes for this situation:

The first outcome is that Europe is just destroyed. Country after country will collapse economically and socially, their resources will be stolen, looted, vandalized, and destroyed, and at some point a complete collapse of the entire society will happen. All local businesses will go bankrupt and close, international businesses will have no choice but to close and end all of their local branches in these European countries. Almost everybody will lose their job and income, and it will be a complete disaster. Millions of people will die of starvation (similarly to how millions of people died of starvation in recent history in China and in North Korea, although in this case for a rather different reason.) And those are the ones who don't just get murdered on the streets and even in their homes.

And as country after country collapses, they will be taken over by Muslim dictators and made into third-world Islamic countries. Europe as it has existed for over a thousand years will essentially cease to exist. It will lose all of its economic and technological power, and millions will die.

The other outcome is that the native people, who are just watching in horror as their own governments and leaders are destroying the country and handing it over to foreign people set on destroying everything, will do the only thing that they can do to try to stop it: Vote for the political parties that actually promise to put a hard stop to it. In other words, extreme right-wing parties with no qualms about kicking out all foreigners from the country, by whatever means necessary.

Kicking them out... or worse.

Even this outcome will most probably not be good for the native people because since not all European countries will become extreme-right-wing at once, the other ones will try to stop those that do. And the only way for one country to stop another, to not allow a particular political party to raise to power in another country, is military force.

So if people start voting extreme-right-wing political parties into power in order to stop the destruction of their country, I see an inter-European civil war happening. An outright military war.

The end result will probably not be much better.

Either way, I fear that Europe is over. It had a good run of about a thousand or so years, give or take, but now it's over. I give Europe something along the lines of 50 years, at most, before it has completely collapsed and pretty much ceased to exist in all but name.

A few hold-out countries might survive the destruction, if they can successfully secure their borders. We'll see.
