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Far-leftists can't even understand how racist they are

It's a quite prominent fact that modern far-leftism is a deeply, deeply racist ideology to the core. It's not merely that they absolutely hate, loathe and are disgusted by white people. They are racist against pretty much all people.

This takes many forms (such as, for example, the so-called "bigotry of low expectations": They think that eg. black people can't be assumed to be educated and intelligent, and thus they need special treatment, special privileges and favoritism eg. in hiring and enrollment. When writing about complex subjects to people they think are black, leftists will use much simpler language than if they think that the recipient is white, because apparently they subconsciosly think that black people don't understand big words. Heck, they think that black people don't even have IDs because they don't have access to the internet. I'm not even kidding.)

One of these forms is subdividing people into groups based on their race, and considering all people in such groups as the same. Same status, same education, same culture, same history.

This is quite well demonstrated by leftists talking about "black culture" and having a "black history month". It's not just having short expressions for those things for convenience. They literally and quite explicitly talk about black people as if all of them had the same cultural background and the same history, as if all black people in the world are one single group, one single tribe with a shared culture and history. When they start listing things that belong and don't belong to "black culture", they literally seem to think that there is only one grand unified "black culture" that's the same for every black person.

This should be rather insulting to any black person. Even if we consider just the people originating from Africa, that continent is absolutely huge, and there are hundreds if not thousands of different cultures there, peoples with their own unique cultural histories which go all the way back to the dawn of humanity. Historically even two neighboring tribes could have vastly differing cultures, values, customs and traditions, not to talk about people from different sides of the continent.

Talking about "black culture" and "black history", as if all black people were the same and had the same cultural background, erases all those thousands and thousands if distinct unique cultures. This should be taken as an offensive insult by any of those people.

Of course this sort of racism is, rather naturally, not restricted to just black people. The leftists do the same with all people, such as Hispanics, Asians, Arabic people and, unsurprisingly, white people. Consider, for example, one Michael Harriot, who describes himself as:

He is a far-leftist activist "journalist" who seems to consider himself "a professional who has specialized knowledge in the field of Caucasian culture" (while he might or might not have coined that bullshit word "wypipologist" tongue-in-cheek, deducing from his body of work how he describes himself seems to be written quite seriously.)

There is no "Caucasian culture". Such a thing does not exist. Like people from Africa, so-called "Caucasians" also consist of hundreds if not thousands of peoples with their long and rich histories, cultures, customs and traditions, many of which do not resemble each other at all (and in some cases may even be quite incompatible). Even within Europe itself you can go from one country to the neighboring country and you are likely to find vastly different cultural norms, values, customs and traditions.

"Caucasian culture" is nothing but a racist term, in the same way as "black culture" or any other such term that bunches all people with a certain physical characteristic into one huge group and considers them all the same. If Michael Harriot is seriously describing himself as above (and it's not just a huge joke that I missed, and which in no way reflects his opinions), then he is a racist. He is in no way better than eg. a bona fide white supremacist who thinks that all black people are the same.
