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University professor vs. far-leftist cult members

While browsing YouTube I happened to come across this snippet of some kind of conversational experiment made by some sociologist in front of some Portland State University, when a mob of indoctrinated far-leftist students first started shouting at him and giving him the middle finger from the roof of the building, and after a while went to confront him directly:

CONFRONTATION at Portland State University: Did I Harm Students By Asking This Question?

While they (rather unusually) did not resort to violence, pay special attention to how the leftist mob speaks. What they are saying.

What's happening is not a discussion among a group of people, with each presenting their own personal opinion, which may differ (slightly or strongly) from the opinion of some of the other people present. They are not presenting their own thoughts, they are not discussing anything that the other members of the mob are saying. There is zero disagreement between the members of the mob, no matter how slight. There is, in fact, no discussion whatsoever between the members of the mob. They do not talk to each other, they do not weight and consider each other's opinions, they do not discuss those opinions further, or present any objections, counter-arguments or even clarifications.

They aren't presenting their own personal opinion. Instead, they are just regurgitating doctrine. They are just repeating what they have been taught. What they have been indoctrinated into. They all say the same things as the mainstream far-leftist social justice academics are saying. They are like robots programmed to regurgitate the same ideas and claims over and over. All the rhetoric is there, all the vocabulary is there, all the same tired claims about western society are there. They just repeat it as Gospel, with no doubt, no personal opinions or flavor, without adding anything that would be original and, especially, which would even slightly contradict the narrative, the doctrine.

In other words, they are just deeply indoctrinated cultists. They do not present their own opinion, they just repeat doctrine like brainwashed drones.

These people are too deeply indoctrinated for any street conversation to dissuade them or even give them something to think, some alternative perspectives. They cannot be talked to. It's like trying to talk to a robot that's programmed to repeat the same sentences over and over, without hearing anything.

The only way that these people could ever get out of that would be via cult deprogramming.
