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The Gnome Project policies are outright cringe

Gnome is a Linux desktop environment developed by the Gnome Foundation.

The Gnome Foundation has since many years ago been completely taken over by radical leftists who unashamedly tell you in their "Code of Conduct" document that they will not discriminate based on race or sex... except if you are white and "cis", in which case you are free to be insulted, derided, harassed and discriminated against by "minorities" and they will do jack squat about it.

(Just imagine applying for a job somewhere, and at the end of the job interview the interviewer asked you if you are heterosexual. You'll probably be quite puzzled about it and wonder where's that coming from and why he's asking, but after you answer in the positive the interviewer tells you that "ok, just note that since you are white and heterosexual, don't even bother reporting any harassment or discrimination against you. Don't expect us to do anything about it. You are white and heterosexual, and thus our non-discrimination non-harassment policies don't apply to you." I think any rational person would quickly get out of there and never go back.)

At some point they added yet another page announcing their far-leftist policies, "Supporting Diversity", which is absolutely cringe. Just read this absolute cringefest:

"If you have never experienced discrimination, learning about it may make you feel uncomfortable, upset, or even angry. You may feel sad because you didn't realize the world was unjust. You may feel guilty because you hold unconscious bias. You may feel excluded because your experiences with hardship are not viewed as discrimination."

This software project is telling its members things like "you may feel sad" and "you may feel guilty because you hold unconscious bias". Can it get any cringier than that?

Note how it states directly and unambiguously "if you have never experienced discrimination ... you hold unconscious bias." It doesn't say that you might hold unconscious bias. Instead, it just states it as a matter of fact. The only conditional thing is that "you may feel guilty", but the "you hold unconscious bias" is absolute, without conditions.

The condescending tone of the text is just astonishing. "You may feel excluded because your experiences with hardship are not viewed as discrimination." The rest of the text never denies that your experiences will never be viewed as discrimination. The only thing that the text is saying is that if you feel excluded because you being discriminated against is being ignored, to just cope with it and discuss with others of your ilk about it.

If you are of the inferior white race, and especially if you are "cis", don't expect any sympathy from them. If anybody from a "marginalized group" (in other words anybody who is not white nor "cis") acts like an asshole against you, don't expect them to do anything about it. You have no recourse. They are telling you to shut up and just take it. If you feel excluded because they ignore your situation, then too bad. Cope with it or go away.

At the end of the document there's what I would consider a Freudian slip about one of the main motivations for them doing this (emphasis mine):

"The GNOME project acknowledges that discrimination, harassment, unconscious bias, and systemic inequality exists. Because of this, people from marginalized groups in our community may have less access to resources or opportunities. It is important for our community to take action and correct these issues. All community change requires resources (such as time, influence, or money)."

Money. Of course. What a surprise.

When you make people feel guilty, they will be more eager to redeem themselves by trying to buy their guilt to be forgiven with money.

The only thing I feel sad about is how so many people fall for this. This software project is directly telling them that they are second-class citizens with less rights than others, and that if they are harassed or discriminated against they will just be ignored. This software project is being incredibly condescending and cringe, and telling you how you should think.

And yet, so many people voluntarily subject themselves to this. I think that is quite sad.

(Needless to say, I will never, ever support the Gnome project, and will always speak against it. I absolutely detest their discriminatory practices. They do not consider people to be equal and to have equal rights, and will treat people differently based on characteristics like race. In other words, they are racists.)
