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Abortion compared to slavery

In the wake of the unprecedented (and rather surprising) landmark decision of the United States Supreme Court to abolish the famous Roe v. Wade legislation (which mandates at the federal level that all states must provide abortion services to all women, the abolition of this legislation meaning that now each state can decide on their own what they want to legislate with regards to this), some people have compared abortion to slavery, which I think is actually quite insightful.

Slavery in its most extreme form, very much including that which happened in the United States, means that one person fully owns another person as his private property, and the slave has essentially no rights of any kind. Because the slave is property, that means that the slave owner can do whatever he wants with that property, as with any property. That very much includes killing the slave, if the slave owner so chooses. Since the slave is his property, he can perfectly well do that, and nobody has legally any say on the matter.

This is actually quite similar to what far-leftists think of the relationship between the fetus and the mother. In other words, it should be so that the mother essentially owns that fetus as her private property and she can do with it whatever she wants, including killing it if she so chooses, and nobody must have anything to say about it.

In other words, pretty much in essence the fetus is the slave of the mother. One human being owning another as property, and thus having the right to do with that property whatever she wants, no questions asked.

Is this what fundamental human rights should be? I don't think so.

Parents do have (and should have) a lot of rights towards their children, but there are limits. Parents, in a sense, "own" their children, and they should "own" their children (in a particular legal way). However, this ownership has its limits. For example, a parent killing his or her child should still be highly illegal (and morally absolutely reprehensible), and punished very harshly. The limits of what "owning" a child means should be quite strict.

An endless discussion can be had about when exactly a fetus can be considered a human, with the rights of a human (including the most important right of them all, ie. the right to life). However, the modern far left isn't interested in this conversation at all. Not anymore. That conversation is long gone. The far left extremely strongly wants the right to abortion to exist up to the very last minute before the child is born. They are not interested in any philosophical discussions about when the child becomes a human. They don't care about that, and thus it's not even part of the conversation.
