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The political *right* killing my braincells

For way too many years I have been writing way too many posts about the absolute insanity that is the modern far left, and how far-leftist activist blogs and comments is so full of utter stupidity that it almost literally hurts my brain every time I make the mistake of reading one. It's an absolute clown world.

That doesn't make me a far-right conservative, though. To balance the scales just a slight bit, and to be fair, you can find plenty of utter brain-cell-killing stupidity on the right-wing/conservative side as well. It's sometimes hard to tell which side exhibits the worst stupidity.

I recently saw a short YouTube video about one particular Covid-19 vaccine causing false HIV positive results. In other words, some people who got this particular vaccine were getting positive HIV tests afterwards, which turned out to be false, and caused precisely because of the vaccine. (I can only imagine how scary of a thing that was for those people, and how immense the relief after it turned out to be a mistaken result.)

Well, especially since the video was made by an American conservative (which means its audience is also majority-conservative) you might guess that the comment section was, let's say, less than intelligent.

No, that's way too nice of a way to put it. The comment section was just oozing with absolute stupidity.

About the 500 or so top comments that I skimmed through, every single one, without exception, was someone either being "glad" for being unvaccinated, or mocking people who are vaccinated. Invariably, all of them were taking this as yet another reason not to get vaccinated.

And that means not get vaccinated at all. Not just by this one particular Covid-19 vaccine. Any vaccine.

In no comment did I see any explanation or reasoning for why. Ok, sure, it can be quite scary to get a positive HIV result (if for some reason you happen to take one), but that's just a moment of mental anguish and worry, not actual physical harm. The vaccine is not actually harming people. It just causes false positives for a time, and that's it.

But that's not even the stupidest comments. There were many (way too many) that went beyond that. Way beyond. In particular, the ones that thought that the vaccine gives you HIV.

Apparently they are too stupid to understand what "false positive" means.

I have little hope for humanity. Both the left and the right are composed of idiot clowns with the IQ of a plant.
