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Internalized racism of the far left

"Internalized misogyny" is a term coined by the feminist far left (a term that has fallen almost completely out of use in more recent years, for some reason) that alleges that women who do not accept the modern far-leftist concept of "feminism", and/or oppose it and criticize it, are simply deluded and fooled into accepting the "misogyny" inherent in the "patriarchal" western society. In other words, they have "internalized" their (alleged) lower status in society, the oppression and discrimination against them, to the point that they fail to see the problem and thus have been deluded into defending it, and opposing the "feminist" movement that seeks to change it.

Regardless of whether that concept has any validity to it, I would like to borrow the idea and coin the term "internalized racism" to describe what far-leftist activists, especially white ones, believe and support.

The far left is deeply, deeply racist. It's somewhat indirectly racist overall, against all races (or what can be classified as "races"), because of their collectivist ideology: The far left does not see individual people. Instead, they very strongly compartmentalize people, divide people into separate groups based on characteristics like race, and always consider people to be part of such a group (instead of considering them as individual independent persons who should be treated and judged on their own merits and characteristics, rather than in a prejudiced manner as members of some arbitrary group based on external characteristics that have nothing to do with the beliefs and character of the person.) And more egregiously, the far left assigns rights, privileges, duties, guilt and blame on people automatically based on which particular group they categorize those people to be in. They also consider some people to be automatically "victims" and others "oppressors" depending on which group they belong to, completely independently of the personal experiences of that person, or what that person believes or has done.

This causes far-leftists to have a rather racist attitude towards some people, by treating them differently based on which racial group they belong to (most egregiously they tend to inadvertently treat eg. black people in a rather patronizing and condescending manner, without even realizing it, because their brains have been ingrained with the concept of black people being like children who need protection and special treatment, and who cannot be held to the same standards and expectations as everybody else.)

But the far left is not only indirectly and inadvertently racist. They are also very directly and purposefully racist, to absolute extremes, towards white people in particular. There is literally no limit to the racist rhetoric that many of their members spout. And I really mean that. For example, there are far-leftist activists who directly, unambiguously and purposefully state, in public, without any kind of shame or trying to hide it, that they seek for all white people, all of them to the last one, to be exterminated in concentration camps, and they assert very strongly that they are 100% serious, that it's not some kind of joke, metaphor or mere social commentary that's not to be taken literally. They explicitly state that they believe this 100% seriously, completely literally, not as a figure of speech or some kind of exaggeration or performance art, and that if they could do it, they would do it in a heartbeat, with no hesitation.

I wish I was making that up. I'm not. You can find examples of that if you search.

The most racist things you can think of, far-leftists will spout them about white people. They call white people, every single one of them, the worst things imaginable. Think of the anti-Jew propaganda in Nazi Germany, and multiply it by a thousand, and you may be getting close to what many far-leftist activists are saying about white people. Many of them don't even consider white people to be human at all.

While the absolute extreme rhetoric may not be very widespread among the far left, there nevertheless are racist sentiments about white people that are quite commonly believed among them. Like, for example, that all white people are racist, every single one of them without exception, that their racism is innate to them and they cannot avoid it (and that, obviously, only white people can be racist and non-white people literally cannot be racist no matter what, no matter the circumstances), and all white people are oppressors by nature. They quite literally consider white people, all of them, to be second-class citizens with less rights than other people, who not only are free to be discriminated against and oppressed, but in fact they consider it a moral duty to do so (anybody who objects to this discrimination will be considered a traitor to the cause). In their belief system white people must submit to absolute servitude to the superior non-white races. White people must adulate and serve the non-white races, and be completely submissive to them. When a non-white person speaks, all white people must immediately shut up and listen. And, rather obviously, a white person must never, ever object to or talk back to a non-white person. (Well, unless that non-white person is a non-leftist, of course.)

And, of course, the far left advocates for racial segregation. Events for non-white people, where white people are barred from entering. Separate graduation ceremonies for white people and non-white people. Separate dorms for white people and non-white people. And so on and so forth. Full-on Jim Crow racial segregation, but worse (because during the Jim Crow laws at least the principle was "separate but equal". Not so with the modern far left, where the principle is "separate and very unequal".)

Where "internalized racism" comes in is with far-leftist white people: They fully accept and promote all of this, and submit to it, and try to teach other white people to do the same. They want themselves, and other white people, to be subjugated, to become "dhimmis" to the social justice ideology, to willingly give up their rights and submit to the discrimination and abuse. They willingly submit to, teach others, and enforce the different treatment of white people, such as shutting up when a non-white person is speaking. They willingly accept and teach others all the dogma about white people being inferior, and second-class citizens. They willingly give up their human rights, and teach others to do the same.

It is my belief that this is completely unprecedented in human history (especially to these extents, with this many people). I don't think there has been any point in human history, prior to this, that people of a particular race who are being discriminated against by peoples of other races, are willingly submitting to the racial discrimination and believing it to be the right thing, and teaching each other to do the same, genuinely considering themselves to be inferior because of their race, and considering it right and just for themselves to be subjugated and considered inferior second-class citizens. There might exist some examples of something similar to this in history, but I would bet it was just some extremely rare individuals, rather than the countless thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, doing it today.

Just like with the willing self-destruction of nations (which I believe is also unprecedented in the entire history of humanity), we are witnessing things that have never, ever happened before. Absolutely horrendous and despicable things which will only end up harming the entire society and everybody in it.
