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How you know that the social justice warriors don't actually believe in their own doctrine

Like with so many other things, for many years now the far-leftist social justice ideology has decided that "blackface" is one of the most horrendous crimes in existence (even though they never explain why), and that anybody who has ever engaged in it must be "canceled", shunned, ostracized, removed from society, harassed, discriminated against, physically assaulted, and his means of living removed.

Yet, time and again they don't follow this principle of theirs when it comes to certain people. Take Justin Trudeau, for example.

He has wore blackface several times during the not-so-distant past. Yet, besides a few online newspaper articles, the mainstream media has stayed silent about it. There's no angry twitter mob demanding his cancellation, impeachment and removal from office and society.

Just imagine if such photographs had been discovered about Donald Trump for example some time during 2019. It's safe to say, without exaggeration, that entire cities would have burned. The 2019 and 2020 riots would have been peanuts compared to it. The twitter mob would have gone completely crazy, and the word "racist" appearing in Twitter and other social media platforms would have increased at least a hundred-fold. The big mainstream media corporations would have talked about nothing else for weeks on end, and there would have been a complete meltdown.

But since it's Justin Trudeau instead... crickets. Nothing. A couple of tame online newspaper articles and that's about it. There's no outrage. There are no riots. There are no demands for him to be removed from office. Nothing.

I am quite certain that if such photos were unveiled of Joe Biden, the reaction would be very similar: CNN and all the other far-leftist mainstream pundits would probably just come up with some really lame excuse, and then stay silent about it and bury the story by ignoring it. There would be no revolt among the social justice twitter mob. Everybody would just ignore it and stay quiet about it until (like with so many things) the conservatives and anti-SJWs would yield and also forget about it.

Hell, they could uncover a photo of young Biden in full SS costume in front of a wall-sized Nazi flag making the Roman salute to a portrait of Hitler, and the far-leftist social justice warriors would just uncomfortably avoid the subject and keep mostly quiet about it, until everybody forgets about it.

The reason why the far left aren't furious and rioting over Trudeau's pictures is that they don't actually believe their own rhetoric. All of their rhetoric about blackface, "cultural appropriation", racism and so on and so forth is not about "justice", it's about gaining power. They will furiously defend the rhetoric when it suits their agenda, and ignore it when it goes against their agenda.

Why is Trudeau safe from their anger and activism? Because he's in the top position of power in Canada, and he's too useful for the social justice ideology agenda to be worth removing. He is advancing the far-leftist agenda, which keeps him safe, no matter what he may have done in the past.

It's all about grabbing power in society. Everything else is bullshit.
