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American school teachers have declared war on parents

Since almost all grade school teachers are university graduates, it's not surprising that the vast majority of them are full-on far-leftist social justice warriors with a mission to indoctrinate children into the ideology.

For many, many years, however, their activism and indoctrination in class was done surreptitiously, behind the closed doors of the classroom, without telling parents or other outsiders about it. Only very occasionally would some teacher blurt out what she was doing (there are some video examples from many years ago), but in general they were very hush-hush about it.

No more. A perfect storm of recent social events has changed this. A combination of Trump's presidency ending, the massive riots, the coronavirus pandemic lockdowns, and the massive public push for social justice ideology, all this in the span of about a year, has massively emboldened school teachers and teacher unions in the United States.

They aren't playing anymore. No longer are they secretly indoctrinating children behind the classroom closed doors. It is now their full and open intention to make the far-leftist racist indoctrination a 100% official and mandatory part of the curriculum of every single grade school in the country.

And they are extraordinarily ideological about it. Several teacher unions have officially declared that if teaching this curriculum were to be banned by law, they would refuse to obey such laws and will fight it in the courts, and that if any teacher were to be taken to court for breaking such laws, they are fully intent on defending such teachers and use any amount of money necessary for the legal defense.

They are fully committed to indoctrinating children completely regardless of their parents' wishes. They are fully intent in going against the parents, and ignoring their protests, no matter how massive they may be.

Many teachers already showed clear signs of having a war against the children's parents during the 2020 pandemic lockdowns, when students were largely taught remotely. There were controversies when teachers were asking their students to make sure that their parents weren't watching nor aware of what was being talked about during class, and that students should be able to talk to their teachers without their parents' knowledge and supervision.

If this does not give you eerie feelings, I don't know what will. When adults start telling children to make sure that their parents are not present nor know what's going on between the child and the adult, you know that nothing good is afoot.
