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Showing posts from July, 2021

How you know the Capitol riot hearings are complete bullshit

The Democratic Party of the United States got their way, and they have now started the congressional hearings and investigation on the riot that happened in the Capitol building on the 6th of January. I don't even know why they are bothering. It will just be the same kind of kangaroo court as all the other investigations and impeachment trials they have done in the past couple of years. To them it's a foregone conclusion. It doesn't matter what comes up in the hearings and investigations. They don't care what comes up in the hearings and investigations. They have already made up their minds, just as with Trump's impeachment, and there's absolutely nothing that could change it. They could literally be shown anything , and it wouldn't change their minds. These hearings are nothing but yet another farce, just a show trial by a complete kangaroo court which is merely going through the motions to have an appearance of doing things by the book, even though the...

Why a single-party state is a horrible idea

For many years now the Democratic Party of the United States, or at least a quite significant portion of their top members and congress representatives, have made no secret their open and blatant desire to completely eradicate the other major political party in the country, ie. the Republican Party. Many a Democrat politician and representative has quite openly expressed that all Republicans, very much including all Republican congress representatives, should be impeached, removed from their positions, thrown to jail, and the entire party destroyed and terminated, and every single position in government to be freed from them (to be replaced, rather obviously, by Democrat politicians). In other words, for quite many years now they have quite openly expressed their goal to make the United States into a single-party state, where the Democratic Party is the only political party that controls everything, every single governmental position. It shouldn't even be necessary to explain why...

Predictions for the near future, part 23

The current far-leftist social justice ideology has two very prominent main characteristics: One is that it will do anything, no matter how immoral, inhumane or vile, to gain power. The second one is its absolute and total racist hatred of white people. All white people and everything that they represent. They hate, disdain, loathe and abhor white people with every cell in their bodies. Because to them white people are the absolute evil and there's absolutely nothing good about them, I predict that in the near future the ideology will start very strongly pushing for extreme historical revisionism. Any achievement in human history by a white person will changed. Either the achievement will be attributed to someone else (a non-white person, obviously), or the person will be claimed to have been non-white. It doesn't matter if it's a scientific achievement, or an achievement in engineering, medicine, sociology, music, or the arts in general. The works of Shakespeare, Beethove...

One of the most idiotic things about the anti-covid-vaccine crowd

One of the reasons why so many people (the vast, vast majority of whom tend to be American conservative, either literally or in values) are absolutely opposed to taking (any of) the Covid-19 vaccines is that they think that an mRNA vaccine changes one's DNA. They talk about how it changes people into mutants, how it changes DNA, yada yada. They'll rather take the risk of getting infected by the coronavirus (which according to them has like a 99.9% survival rate) than get the vaccine. Do you know what I find most hilarious about this particular argument? The fact that they are worried that the mRNA vaccine is going to change their DNA, while not being worried that the coronavirus itself is going to do the same thing, even though it replicates in the same way. Indeed, if the mRNA vaccine were to change their DNA, then so would the coronavirus as well, because the replication mechanism is the same. I don't think any of them have ever even thought of that. Of course in actual r...

Why is a lack of female players in top e-sports considered a bad thing?

During the last 10 to 15 years or so, so-called e-sports have become extraordinarily massive multi-million dollar competitions, with professional video game player teams (ie. they make their living playing video games), multi-million-dollar prizes, and millions of spectators. Especially in some countries (like South Korea) e-sport events can be absolutely massive, topping almost any other sports event. However, people quickly started noticing a peculiar feature of the top professional teams: The vast, vast majority of the top professional players were male, with only extremely few rare exceptions. And all-female teams are almost non-existent (with some attempts at it failing miserably). Like with everything else dealing with such things, rather obviously this is considered a "problem" and a bad thing. But I have to seriously ask: Why? Why is this considered a bad thing? Consider what it requires for someone to become a top professional e-sports player: To pretty much have no...

American school teachers have declared war on parents

Since almost all grade school teachers are university graduates, it's not surprising that the vast majority of them are full-on far-leftist social justice warriors with a mission to indoctrinate children into the ideology. For many, many years, however, their activism and indoctrination in class was done surreptitiously, behind the closed doors of the classroom, without telling parents or other outsiders about it. Only very occasionally would some teacher blurt out what she was doing (there are some video examples from many years ago), but in general they were very hush-hush about it. No more. A perfect storm of recent social events has changed this. A combination of Trump's presidency ending, the massive riots, the coronavirus pandemic lockdowns, and the massive public push for social justice ideology, all this in the span of about a year, has massively emboldened school teachers and teacher unions in the United States. They aren't playing anymore. No longer are they secre...

The United States is becoming more and more totalitarian by the day

East Germany, back when it existed after the second world war, was one of the most Orwellian and oppressive police and surveillance states in the history of humanity. Basically every single citizen was under constant surveillance, and in constant danger of punishment from the authorities if they showed any sign of dissent or trouble. The scary thing? The vast majority of the surveillance was not done by the authorities, but by other citizens. Indeed, the vast majority of reports to the authorities were just regular citizens snitching on their neighbors, family members, and so on. East Germany was able to maintain a totalitarian surveillance state for several decades with the help of its own citizens. It appears that the United States is quickly heading down that same route: It shouldn't even be necessary to say which kind of "extremism" they are referring to. A rather unilateral one.

Is the United States heading towards a military civil war?

Just a few years ago talks about the United States heading towards a civil war (not just an ideological civil war, or a kind of "cold" civil war, but an actual military civil war with people actually shooting and bombing each other) felt like an exaggeration at best, irresponsible scaremongering at worst. In this day, however, this possibility doesn't seem to be so outlandish. As I have written previously, the rhetoric of the far left in the United States has been escalating more and more by the year, and this is extraordinarily dangerous . The racism and hostility of the far left has been escalating more and more, and it just has to stop, or things won't end well . Of course this kind of rhetoric has been going on for many, many years, going well back even before Trump became president, and even before Obama became president. What has changed? What has changed is that the vile rhetoric is no longer limited to random university social justice activists shutting down ...

The irony of there being thousands of "gender identities" and "expressions"

The modern social justice ideologues are like a bunch of little children playing pretend, in an environment where everything they say and come up with automatically becomes official canon of the roleplaying. Everything, no matter how ridiculous or insane, becomes automatically official, added to the list of official facts, to be respected. Thus, they start inventing more and more ridiculous things. Everybody wants to be that person who invented something, like an idea or a word, and it becoming something official and recognized by everybody else. Thus these adult children have been roleplaying in real life and inventing more and more of the most ridiculous, contrived and obscure "gender identities", "gender expressions" and whatnot, with lots of random fancy words and prepositions, like "demi", or "neuro", or "pan" and so on and so forth. Like children, everybody wants to feel special by coming up with their own "gender identity...

Gender-segregated chess tournaments are a "problem" in need of a "fix"

If you look at the list of top chess players in the world, you'll notice a rather distinct lack of women. In the top 100 list there's only one woman, placed at position 81. The second-strongest female chess player in the world is way down, somewhere like in position 200 or such. Since quite long FIDE has held separate tournaments for men and women. (Or, more precisely, a general tournament, and a separate women's tournament. It's not forbidden for women to participate in the general tournament if they want, but they also have their own separate tournament.) There's also a separate Grand Master title for women, with looser requirements than the general Grand Master title. (Again, women can be granted a GM title, but more often they get a WGM title because it has lesser requirements.) For some time now there has existed a sentiment among some part of the chess community that this gender segregation is a "problem", that having separate general tournaments an...

Actor David Harbour is a mentally retarded idiot

Actor David Harbour, known for his roles in the Black Widow movie and the TV series Stranger Things , recently made comments defending socialism during a promo of that movie. He said: "I don't know that there's anyone who could disagree with socialist ideology. If you work at Starbucks and you make the coffee, then you should own it. You're the one making the coffee!" This is seriously the most idiotic argument I have ever heard in my life. It's stupid beyond belief. Suppose that you hire some guy to build PCs for your company. You tell him: "Here are 2000 dollars worth of PC components. I'll pay you 100 dollars if you build the PC for me." So, he builds the PC, and then says: "This PC is now mine. I built it, therefore now I own it." You purchased the 2000 dollars worth of PC components, and you are paying the guy 100 dollars to build the PC, but now he owns the PC, the whole 2000 dollars worth of it, because he built it? The person ...

What happened to The Amazing Lucas? Addendum

About six months ago (as of writing this) I wrote a blog post about The Amazing Lucas , and how he has somehow changed. How he used to be an American conservative anti-leftist with very clear and well-expressed views and opinions but then, somewhere around 2019 or 2020 he somehow changed quite radically, becoming a very confused mess (politically speaking) and how the quality of his videos dropped dramatically: Not only did he start uploading hours-long unscripted podcasts and snippets of them instead of the well-written scripted videos he used to make in the past, but his videos became very confusing and most of the time it's very hard to understand what kind of point he's actually trying to make, as he rambles and rambles, and doesn't express himself clearly. (I recommend reading that blog post before this one for full context, if you haven't read it already.) Recently, out of curiosity, I checked his channel in order to see if anything of any notoriety has happened. ...

"The Try Guys" is the perfect example of what's wrong with the SJW mentality

Buzzfeed is one of the largest online publications that's notoriously and very obnoxiously far-leftist and embraces social justice ideology at its fullest. One of their regular YouTube shows is "The Try Guys" (who also have their own separate channel). These are four men doing all kinds of random things. I think that they are the perfect example of what's wrong with the SJW mentality. These men have been 100% emasculated and psychologically castrated to the point that not only do they don't behave like normal adults, it may even be affecting their physiology. There are many clips of them used by anti-SJWs to show the level of cringe that they demonstrate. Such as when they made a video where they interviewed doctor Anthony Fauci . They greet him in an extremely cringe manner. They don't behave like adults. They don't behave like adult men. They don't even behave like adult women. They don't behave like young boys. They behave like some 10-year-old...

How you know that the social justice warriors don't actually believe in their own doctrine

Like with so many other things, for many years now the far-leftist social justice ideology has decided that "blackface" is one of the most horrendous crimes in existence (even though they never explain why), and that anybody who has ever engaged in it must be "canceled", shunned, ostracized, removed from society, harassed, discriminated against, physically assaulted, and his means of living removed. Yet, time and again they don't follow this principle of theirs when it comes to certain people. Take Justin Trudeau, for example. He has wore blackface several times during the not-so-distant past. Yet, besides a few online newspaper articles, the mainstream media has stayed silent about it. There's no angry twitter mob demanding his cancellation, impeachment and removal from office and society. Just imagine if such photographs had been discovered about Donald Trump for example some time during 2019. It's safe to say, without exaggeration, that entire cities ...

No, being obese is not normal, natural nor healthy

Like with so many other things, the far-leftist social justice ideology has taken a notion that was originally reasonable and sane, and distorted it and taken it to an absolutely insane extreme. In particular, it has taken the original notion of "people should not be bullied, harassed nor made fun of for being overweight" to the completely insane and unscientific "being obese is normal and healthy, and it's just another completely normal body type, and anybody who says otherwise is a bigot who should be physically assaulted". They treat obesity as if it were just another completely normal human body shape, like being tall, or short, or having a big nose. Something that's completely normal, natural and, essentially, something you are born with and don't have a choice about. And, most particularly, something that makes no difference with regards to your health. No, being obese is not "normal" for the human body. It's not natural, and it most ...

How the far left hijacked and appropriated the term "progress"

Any person who is acquainted with and heavily opposes the current totalitarian authoritarian far-leftist "social justice" ideology and movement probably gets a sense of instinctive disgust when they hear the word "progress" being used in this context. The term, short for "social progress", however, isn't bad per se. The problem is that like so many other terms, it has been hijacked and distorted by the far-leftist ideology. Originally social progress was an inherently good thing. For example, slavery, the notion of human beings being owned by other human beings as property, is almost universally considered abhorrent. We, as a society, have socially evolved to recognize and understand how horrendous of a thing slavery is, and categorically rejected it outright. This is genuinely social progress. During the last centuries humanity has come up with higher ideals of what fundamental human rights are, and that every person should have these rights, and nobo...

Why so many leftists hate capitalism and their own countries

Over the last few decades it has become more and more common for a significant portion of the population, especially those on the far left end of the political spectrum, to hate, loathe and detest their own countries, their own nations, everything around them, and the system that keeps the system running. There are quite many reasons for this, but many commentators have presented one quite good hypothesis why that is: It's a massive case of "you don't appreciate what you have until you lose it". They note that the current generation of young-to-middle-aged adults is the first generation in a long time that has not only lived in luxury their entire lives, but also their parents have lived in luxury their entire lives. The previous generation had parents who lived through the wars, and experience first-hand what it is to live in actual real fear, in actual scarcity, in times of uncertainty and massive shortages, where not only could you not be sure you could eat the ne...

Why do transsexuals do it? Addendum

I oftentimes meet with a group of friends for hobbies. Many years ago there was this one person, a friend of one of the regulars, who would occasionally, although rarely, also come and participate. She was one of the cutest women I have seen. The first time she was there I immediately noticed. I think any heterosexual man would. I know how shallow it sounds, but I don't really care: She was well above average in terms of beauty and cuteness. She appeared to also be a bit of a "rebel girl" in her outwards appearance and demeanor. Based on how she looked and behaved I would have classified her as "a very cute and feminine tomboy". Some months, perhaps a year or two, later (and in fact the last time I saw her in a very long time) I overhead a conversation she was having with this regular I mentioned. She recounted something that had happened to her recently, where she was somewhere and some random man, talking to his young son, had referred to her as a "girl...

One telling sign that a story about an extraordinary event is made-up

Whenever there's something like a photograph, or even video, of some very extraordinary event or thing, such as a purported unidentified flying object, an alien, an impossible creature, a ghost, or anything of the sort, or even if it's just someone's (usually written) testimony about having witnessed such an event, there's one telltale sign to look for in order to spot made-up stories. And that's the amount of superfluous prefacing "background story" attached to the photo, video or claim (usually in textual form). As an archetypal example, if what's being presented is eg. a photograph or video, the background story of how the person got the camera is completely irrelevant. Yet, oftentimes, the person who purportedly took the photograph will go to completely unnecessary lengths to describe why he or she was at that place, such as for example by describing how she got the camera, or any other lengthy and completely superfluous stories about the the perso...