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The far-leftist totalitarianism is already starting

One common prediction about what will happen if Biden gets elected as the President of the United States is that the far-left will take it as a sign that it's open season to persecute republicans, and they will start a purge, in government, in society, and everywhere.

Well, that was a quite easy prediction to make. The far-leftist bigots just can't wait to start the purge and the persecution, even before the election result has been confirmed.

Take Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, for example. She doesn't just want Trump to be held accountable for his "crimes", but for everybody who supported him to be publicly exposed and held in a list.

That didn't take long. This is exactly what socialist regimes do when they get power: They start punishing the opposition.

This is exactly what a totalitarian communist-socialist takeover looks like. They want a purge. They want a complete takeover. They want to create a single-party totalitarian state.

And the masked fascist terrorists roaming the streets? They are making their intentions extremely clear and unambiguous:

We can all only hope that the election results still turn out to make Trump the winner. The totalitarian socialist-fascists can only perform the purge if they get the power.
