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Fighting the left might be a lost cause: Addendum 2

Suppose that two football teams are playing a football tournament against each other, let's call them Team L and Team R.

While at first both teams play relatively cleanly, Team L starts breaking the rules and cheating more and more as the tournament goes on. First it's subtle, but when they can get away with it again and again, they become more and more emboldened and blatant about it, and more and more aggressive about it. They start carrying the ball with their hands, they start throwing things at the members of the other team, they start pushing and even hitting members of the other team, and they blatantly disregard pretty much all the rules of football and sportsmanship. They start making goal after goal with blatant cheating and breaking of the rules.

Team R, rather obviously, complains to the referee about this, but he does nothing. "What cheating? I don't see any cheating." Team R try to complain to the tournament organizers, and they do nothing.

In a normal situation, Team R would just stop playing and leave. But let's assume they can't. Let's assume that they have no choice but keep playing in the tournament, again and again. They cannot just leave. They cannot just stop playing. They must play this farce of a game against the cheating team. Let's assume that if they keep losing to the other team, they will be losing more than just a tournament. They will be losing their freedom, their property, their safety, their very rights. They have everything on the balance: They must play, or they will lose everything, even their very lives.

What is the only option that Team R has in this situation?

Is this option just keep playing by the rules and hope that maybe, perhaps, everything will eventually become better? Is this option for them to retain their dignity and honor, and not succumb to the same level as Team L? They may be losing everything, but at least they will be losing with dignity and honor?

Or is the better option for team R to start fighting back using dirty tactics as well? If Team L is using dirty tactics to win, and nobody is doing anything about it, nobody is enforcing the rules, then why shouldn't Team R do the same thing? Why should Team R have to suffer because of some rules that nobody is following anyway?

But the sad thing is that even though one or two players in Team R make this kind of suggestion to the rest of the team, most of the others nod in agreement... and forget about it five minutes later, and they just keep "playing by the rules" and not cooperating in fighting back. In fact, most of Team R spend most of the time just bickering among themselves and whining about the dirty tactics of Team L. They whine and they whine, but ultimately they don't do anything about it. They still just try keeping playing by the rules. Even if a few of them organize to do something more effective... nobody else follows them, and these few just give up after a while, and return to the whining and the bickering.

Team L, however, and in contrast, is highly organized. When the team captain tells them that they should break the rules in a particular way, the entire team is immediately on board, does not give up, and coordinates relentlessly in order to achieve that goal. The members of Team L do not think, do not reason, do not doubt, do not discuss, do not consider the morality of these actions. Like brainwashed mindless drones, they do as they are told. And due to their group effort and relentless work, never giving up, they gain ground and they once again make another goal, while Team R just whines about it, powerless to do anything.

There becomes a point where Team R should fight back as an organized group, and use the same tactics that Team L is using against them. But they don't, because they are too "nice", too "rational", they think too much about the morality of these actions, and end up doing nothing but whine and bicker, and achieve absolutely nothing.

And that's exactly what's happening in the real world. The far left has already gained almost complete power, and their opposition still just keeps whining and bickering, giving up, and doing nothing about it.

When the far left wants something done, or someone destroyed, they can command their thousands and thousands of brainwashed drones to relentlessly achieve that goal, and they will not give up until it's achieved.

When their opposition wants to counter this, they just whine and bicker, and give up. And if a small group of them starts using the same dirty tactics as the far-left is using, they get admonished by people on their own side. We shouldn't stoop to their level, you see. We should just keep whining and moaning, and giving up, and doing nothing. Because that has worked so well so far.

When the far left finally gains complete control and they remove all your rights and persecute you, you know who to blame.
