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What happened to xkcd?

xkcd is one of the longest-running still active webcomics in existence, first created in 2005 and having published content very regularly for these 15 years. I was quite an avid follower since almost the beginning, probably since there were just about one or two hundred comic strips uploaded (as of writing this there are 2391).

Many of the comic strips are funny, insightful, sometimes even quite nerdy (requiring a lot of knowledge about a particular field to understand), and sometimes really memetic (it has been really popular to use images or entire strips from xkcd in all kinds of places elsewhere, due to how memetic, funny or fitting they are for a particular subject).

However, some years ago I kind of got a bit tired of following the comic, so I would usually just check it from time to time and read all the new issues that had appeared. Sometimes months would go by without me checking it. Eventually I kind of just forgot about the whole webcomic, and haven't checked it for like a couple of years.

Until recently.

And what do I find plastered on the front page of the webcomic? This:

The comic hadn't really been political before. It had sometimes published strips about or commenting on some particular thing about (then) current politics, but it had never been an outright activist political webcomic.

Besides the political message, another notable thing that one may notice is the change of the subtitle. For the longest time the subtitle used to be:

"Warning: this comic occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors)."

I don't know when or why the author decided to change it to "a webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language", but I wouldn't be surprised if he changed it as to not be "offensive" to feminist academics.

Well, the author can shove his politics up his ass. I hadn't visited the website for a couple of years, and I don't think I will be visiting it in the foreseeable future. I don't want politics shoved into my entertainment. He can choke on his politics for all I care.
