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History is written by the victors

The far left, especially but not exclusively in the United States, has for four years now kept repeating the same fabricated claims about Trump, how he's a racist, how he has eroded the rights of minorities, how he has put immigrants in cages, how he is a white supremacist and so on and so forth. No amount of evidence against those claims is enough for them. They have kept making those claims over and over, for four years, with no stop in sight.

And it's not just some random people on Twitter doing that. It's major news corporations, politicians, Wikipedia, and so on and so forth.

If they have been so bold and so unashamed as keeping making these false claims while Trump has been the president, how much easier it will be in the near future? My bet is that not only will they keep making all these false claims over and over, but they will start inventing new ones. They will start inventing things that Trump allegedly did or said, no need for any evidence. Mass media will start repeating these claims over and over, until they have become The Truth by massive repetition.

It may well be that 50 years from now history will remember Trump having been essentially a dictator who commanded his stormtroopers to assault and kill minorities and keep the country under his heel, who created concentration camps for immigrants, and who directly instructed his followers to attack and kill non-white people. These allegations will become the truth via constant repetition by the mainstream media, universities, encyclopedias and so on, as well as the active suppression of all evidence of the contrary. History may remember Trump having been some kind of dictatorial monster.

This got me thinking: How many people from the past have been likewise distorted for political purposes, as either being more evil or more heroic than they really were? How many "facts" of history about famous people from the past have been completely fabricated by the supporters or enemies of those people? If these false facts were made into the official truth via massive repetition, and the evidence of the contrary was actively suppressed and erased from history, how would be ever know?
