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Anti-Trumpism: The biggest propaganda campaign in human history?

When you think about it, it's actually incredible how widespread anti-Trump sentiments were all around the world, even before he became the president of the United States, four years ago (as of writing this).

Pretty much everywhere, at least in the western world, people somehow just "knew" that Trump was a "racist" and that he would start the persecution of minorities and immigrants, and probably start World War 3. Based on literally zero evidence.

This only became so much worse when he was eventually elected. It became so bad that when Trump was planning state visits to other countries, many people, sometimes even very high-ranking officials and politicians, were demanding that the country ban Trump from entering  (the United Kingdom being perhaps the best example of this). Almost invariably there were massive anti-Trump demonstrations and protests in these countries.

Based on literally zero evidence.

Mind you, much of this was before the American regressive left started coming up with their weak excuses of why Trump is literally the next Hitler, such as he calling the members of the infamous MS-13 gang animals (which the media and the regressive left happily and deliberately interpreted as him referring to all immigrants), or claiming that he was locking up children in cages at border detention centers (when in reality Trump did not create that system at all, as it was in place well before him, greatly strengthened by the previous president, Barack Obama), and so on.

Even before any of these excuses, both Americans and the rest of the world were already indoctrinated into anti-Trumpism, and Trump Derangement Syndrome was very widespread, both within the country and abroad.

Again, based on literally zero evidence. Nobody could give examples of him being "racist" or any of the other things he was being accused of. There was no precedent, there was no evidence, nothing. Yet most people still believed it. Everybody just took for granted that he was a "racist", simply because everybody else was saying so.

This was the result of an absolutely massive world-wide propaganda campaign, organized by the leftist mainstream media, university academics, and all kinds of politicians and influencers. They just kept repeating the same lies about Trump over and over until they became the unquestionable truth. Nobody even thought of demanding evidence or asking what all these allegations were based on. If you asked pretty much anybody why he thought Trump was a racist or in other ways a really bad person, most probably he wouldn't know what to answer. In fact, I had a couple of such opportunities to ask somebody. They were unable to answer. They just knew it to be true, even though they couldn't give any arguments or evidence why.

Not only that, but this massive propaganda campaign lasted for the entirety of the four years. Several of the largest American news broadcasting companies effectively became anti-Trump propaganda machines, which couldn't go for one single day without broadcasting some anti-Trump claims, sentiments, opinions or hit pieces. Every single day for four years. All 1400 or so days, without fail.

If somehow Trump still manages to become re-elected after all, I'm certain that all these organizations will continue this campaign for the next 1400 days, without fail. Probably increasing the fervor and ferocity of their propaganda. Even if he doesn't get re-elected, they'll probably continue it for the next months at least.

Consider how absolutely massive this propaganda campaign has been.

I'm not aware of any other propaganda campaign, of any sort, pushing for a false narrative, that has been this massive, at least in peace time (some propaganda campaigns during the first and second World Wars might rival this, but those are explained by the war). There might have been some propaganda campaigns that may be comparable in their worldwide spread, but I don't think any of those lasted for four entire years. A few months maybe, but not for four years.

I think this is completely unprecedented in human history. Never has there been such a massively huge propaganda campaign against a single individual person in peace time, based on lies and distortions, that has lasted for this long.

Sadly, it has been quite effective. As I commented in a previous blog post, history may be written by the victors, and in the future history might only remember Trump as having been an absolute monster, based on completely false allegations, the actual truth being suppressed and erased from history completely. It may well be that 50 years from now the only "truth" that the world will know is that Trump was some kind of horrendous dictator who temporarily made the United States into a totalitarian dictatorship where immigrants and minorities were persecuted and killed by the state police forces, even though all of this is just completely false. The actual truth may be completely lost and hidden.
