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It's frustrating to be a "political lone wolf"

While I do it sometimes, in general I nevertheless don't like to simply repeat and parrot what other political commentators are saying and paying attention to, unless I have some unique perspective to add, something that I don't see others saying or pointing out, or just a novel idea or perspective that occurred to me, which I haven't seen before.

Sometimes this can lead to perspectives and criticism that I think are relatively important but which, for one reason or another, I seem to be the only one to pay attention to, or having thought of.

For example, for many years now I have been railing against the blatant, obnoxious and rampant one-sided and pretty transparent political bias in Wikipedia. Yet, I seem to be pretty much the only person doing so.

Although I need to clarify that there are several forums and subreddits out there that are highly critical of Wikipedia and its political bias, but most of them seem to be populated by American ultra-conservative conspiracy theorists who think that if Wikipedia editors don't allow them to put their political conspiracy theories in there, then Wikipedia is clearly biased. I have read quite some of these accusations, and almost invariably they have been cases where I have had to actually side with the Wikipedia editors, as the news stories that the conservatives were trying to push genuinely did not meet the reliability standards of Wikipedia, eg. because of being single-sourced claims made by some Breitbart writer.

My criticism of Wikipedia is when the Wikipedia editors do commit that exact same faulty editing but clearly favoring the far-left political agenda. When they do exactly the same thing that stops the American conservative conspiracy theorists from adding stories and claims to the site. There is a very clear and rampant problem of political bias.

I think this is important because Wikipedia has a huge amount of influence in the world. Millions and millions of people read it every single day, including politicians, lawmakers, CEOs, and all sorts of political influencers.

Yet, for some unfathomable reason, not a single anti-SJW anti-leftist political commentator eg. on YouTube ever criticizes Wikipedia for this. As you might guess, I watch quite a lot of them (perhaps a bit too much), and not a single one has said anything about Wikipedia in the last 10 years or so that I have been watching. Not one.

The closest thing I remember is Carl "Sargon of Akkad" Benjamin some years ago, at the height of Gamergate, making a brief mention in one of his videos that perhaps one day he will make a video analyzing the Wikipedia Gamergate article. He never did. And to my knowledge and memory he has never mentioned Wikipedia in a critical manner ever since (other than, perhaps, in your standard "Wikipedia is unreliable because it can be edited by anybody" manner, rather than the "Wikipedia is politically biased" manner).

And it's not like all these anti-SJW youtubers only concentrate on the really big issues, on the billion-dollar mainstream media corporations, on the major political parties, on the mobs of tens of thousands of people rioting and destroying property on the streets, which makes something like Wikipedia peanuts in comparison. No, many of these people are not shy to make entire videos dedicated to some of the most minor of incidents, like some random no-name nobody in some university making some controversial tweet (that everybody forgets in less than a week), or some nobody writing some controversial article in some extremely small local publication of some small university, which as almost zero influence on anything.

They sometimes make entire videos on such trivialities which are forgotten in a couple of days... yet not a single one of them ever, ever, ever has made a single mention of the political bias in Wikipedia, ever, in a single video. Not the big popular youtubers, not the smaller ones. Nobody. Not that I have ever seen it.

Another issue that I have been writing a lot about is the problem of the police, especially in the United States, not enforcing the law when mobs of people are blatantly and egregiously and quite clearly breaking the law directly in the full view of the police, who just watch doing nothing about it. And here I'm not just talking about some petty misdemeanors like littering or making noise. I'm talking about harassing people, even physically assaulting people, disrupting traffic, causing physical damage to cars and people's property, and so on. Very serious crimes that under normal circumstances would often even lead to a jail sentence.

There are plenty of videos out there with this happening very clearly: People very blatantly making serious crimes, and police officers just watching and deliberately doing nothing about it. This makes the police officers complicit in these crimes that they are witnessing and deliberately allowing to happen with impunity. Not only are they complicit in these crimes, but their deliberate failure at enforcing the law is insurrection, which is a very serious crime in itself.

What's worse, nobody, absolutely nobody, is holding the police accountable for this. Not a single politician, or anybody, is doing anything about it. No investigations, no suspensions, no prosecutions... nothing. The police is allowed to do this, and nobody is doing anything about it.

Do you know how many anti-SJW youtubers, or anybody, has ever commented on this?

Not a single one. Zero.

The closest thing to this I have ever seen was a woman who recently made a video recounting how she went to some Republican political rally or something, and how she was physically assaulted outside the building where the event was happening. She briefly mentions in the video how police officers were standing some distance away and did nothing about it.

And that's it. She just mentions it briefly... and nothing else. She never mentions it again in the video, she never comments on it, she never criticizes the police in any other way. She goes to talk about some other subjects and never comes back to this rather serious inaction by the police.

That's literally the only mention I have ever seen about deliberate police inactivity by anybody anywhere, in the last four or so years. If there is someone who is highly critical of the American police in this respect, ie. their deliberate and criminal failure of duty, I have not seen it.

I seem to be the only person in the world who is trying to point this out. To completely deaf ears. Nobody is talking about it, nobody is commenting about it, and apparently nobody is even interested in it.

It's a bit frustrating because I'm a complete nobody. My blog posts get on average about 10-15 views, and that's it. The people who get hundreds of thousands, even millions, of views on YouTube never talk about either subject, ever.

Shouting at the wind is rather futile and frustrating.


  1. Don't worry, you're not alone on the world. Even though people like us are scarce but they are still out there waiting for you to reach out.


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