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How did Trump Derangement Syndrome originate?

When Donald Trump announced that he was running for president some time in 2015 or so, and when it became apparent that not only was he being serious but in fact he became the primary presidential candidate of the Republican Party, for some reason the extreme leftist social justice ideologues in the United States went absolute bonkers about it.

Even staunchly leftist Democrats who heavily criticized Hillary Clinton because of her corruption and shady political career, and even laughed at even the idea of her becoming the president, suddenly became her loudest advocates when Trump became the primary Republican candidate. (The most infamous example of this is probably Michael Moore, which I might write another blog post about.)

Suddenly Trump became quite literally Hitler reincarnate. No, worse than that. Many of the social justice ideologues were shouting how Trump was worse than Hitler. That he was racist to the core, that he couldn't even open his mouth without something racist coming out (not that they could give any concrete examples, but that doesn't matter to them), and that if he became elected it would lead to World War III and the end of the world, and the country would literally become Nazi Germany v. 2.0, with military police kicking down doors and rounding up all non-white people into concentration camps and exterminated.

They were not speaking metaphorically or rhetorically. They were literally meaning it, verbatim, 100% seriously. They were so loud about it that even most other countries joined the paranoia and a huge amount of people in other countries started believing it.

But there's one thing I really don't understand about it: Why?

While I don't know much about Donald Trump, nor have watched much of what he did prior to his presidency, it is my understanding that he was never seen by the wider public as any sort of "racist" or "fascist" or anything of the sort. He was simply seen as a somewhat eccentric billionaire celebrity who owned a lot of businesses and produced and starred in some reality TV shows. I'm not aware of him having some kind of infamous history of overt racism or being somehow discriminatory against minorities or the like.

As I noted in another blog post, even when they try to list actual concrete examples of Trump being racist, the examples are extremely weak (such as Trump saying "the blacks", which apparently was offensive that particular week) and far-and-inbetween, with a few vague and weak examples being cherry-picked from as far back as the 1970's. None of the examples are about him being overtly racist or discriminatory, or showing clearly an attitude of contempt against minorities, or anything of the sort. One would think that if Trump was as racist as they claim, if he indeed is saying racist things all the time (which is something that the social justice ideologues directly and constantly claim), then they wouldn't need to resort to try to cherry-pick some vague things he might have said in the 90's or the 70's, and instead they could give a dozen clear examples of him saying racist things eg. during the current year. But no.

I don't think there is any basis in claiming that Trump is racist, or that he is intent in eroding people's rights (something that they also claim), or that he even wants to deport minorities, or become a dictator. There is no evidence. Him being painted as some kind of ultra-racist dictator who is literally worse than Hitler is something that they conjured out of thin air.

So I once again have to wonder: Why?

They didn't do it with any previous Republican presidential candidate, so why now? What's so special about Trump in particular that wasn't so with any previous ones?

The only rational conclusion is that there is nothing wrong with Donald Trump in particular. Rather, it's just the current political climate that's causing this. The Republican candidate could have been literally anybody, and the regressive left would have probably acted the same. This point in time was the perfect storm for this. It's the culmination of the regressive leftist social justice neo-Marxist ideology, which has been brewing in universities for decades, finally taking hold of society at large.

The good thing about Trump being elected is that it triggered the neo-Marxist far-left to expose themselves, their true nature, for everybody to see. And now buildings are being burned down and stores looted and vandalized, and people being literally murdered on the streets because of their (alleged) political views.

If we are lucky, Trump indirectly caused the far-left to expose their agenda too soon, which, perhaps, can allow the rest of society to see what they really are like, and slowly but surely form a counter-movement that, hopefully, stops them eventually from taking over the entire western society. It's so far not looking good, but we can always hope.
