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The constantly-changing SJW mind

Just a mere 5 or so years ago, even more recently, regressive leftist social justice warriors had really strong opinions like "homosexuality is not a choice", as well as advocating for "safe spaces" for women where men have no business entering.

I still remember vividly (and in fact if I searched a bit I could even link to youtube videos) SJWs having slogans like "homosexuality is not a choice, your bigotry is", and also massive protests in university campuses demanding for "safe spaces" for minorities and for women.

Yet, today, just a few years later, if you go to a SJW-infested university campus and loudly proclaim that "homosexuality is not a choice", that homosexuality is something you are born as, not something you choose, not something you can just switch on and off at will, that will be considered "hate speech" and you will be considered a bigot (and you'll be lucky if the worst consequence you get is verbal harassment).

Likewise if you start promoting "women-only spaces" where men have no business entering. In fact, there are groups and individuals, including women, who are currently being harassed, deplatformed and attacked, because they maintain that women's rights must be protected, and they must have the right to have spaces where men cannot enter.

Just a mere 5 years ago if you loudly promoted those things, the SJWs would have cheered you. Nowadays if you promote those ideas, you'll get deplatformed, harassed and in the worst cases even physically assaulted. By the exact same people.

Go a bit more back in time, like 10 or 15 years, and SJWs were staunchly of the opinion that "race does not exist", and that anybody who classifies people into races is a racist. Nowadays they cannot talk about anything else but race and, ironically, think that if somebody "does not see race" (which is what they themselves were promoting 10 or so years ago), that somebody is a racist, somehow.

How fickle is the SJW mind.

Of course the real reason why they change their minds so easily is because they don't actually care about people's rights. What they care about is power. They will change their opinion to the exact opposite if that means gaining more power by doing so.

Proclaiming that classifying people into races is racism does not really allow them to attack people based on that, because the vast majority of people don't do that anyway. They would just be "pushing against an open door" so to speak. So they reversed it entirely: Now not classifying people into races (which is the stance of most people) is what's "racism", so they have much more ammunition to attack people with.

Promoting separate spaces for men and women is also "pushing against an open door" because society has had that for literally millenia already. Bathrooms, locker rooms and so on and so forth have been strictly sex-segregated since forever. Men's only clubs and women's only clubs have also existed since forever. It's promoting something that already exists. Thus they needed to reverse that and started opposing separate spaces for men and women, because that gives them ammunition to attack people and society.

The wider general acceptance of homosexuality as normal and "not a choice", but something innate and unchangeable (you cannot make a gay into a straight with "gay therapy") is more recent, but quite widely accepted in modern society. Thus also this has become pushing against an open door, and not a very good source of attacks against society and people. Thus they needed to reverse it, and now claiming that something like homosexuality is not a choice is deemed as "transphobic" and "hate speech", and thus can be used as ammunition against people.

It is actually rather incredible to see the exact same people, even oftentimes the exact same individual person, having a strong opinion in one direction just a few years ago, and now having the exact opposite opinion today. They will engage in all kinds of mental gymnastics to justify such radical changes.
