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Enjoy your rights and freedoms while you still can

I have written about this very subject before in this blog, but I think it deserves repeating. I hate being so pessimistic, but I just don't see a future for our current free western society. Our rights and freedoms are being eroded and taken away at an ever-increasing rate, and pretty much everybody in charge is doing their hardest to destroy free western democracies as quickly as possible. This is not going to last. The current freedoms and rights are going to end, and I fear they are going to end pretty soon.

Neo-Marxist social justice ideologues have succeeded in invading almost all universities in the western world, and as I have been saying many, many times, the people who control the universities will eventually control the entire society. Our progress, advances, rights and freedoms started from universities, and they are also going to end with the same universities. Universities in most western countries have become indoctrination and training camps for social justice ideologues, and pumping out brainwashed ideologues who are invading every single aspect of society.

Just consider how effective they have been. They control almost all of the press. The majority of politicians are social justice ideologues. They control the vast majority of the huge megacorporations that pretty much de facto control everything in society (such as the internet, banking, and so on and so forth). Company after company, institution after institution, school after school, organization after organization has become invaded and infected, and have become more and more oppressive.

Consider how much power they have, and how much successful activism they do. Company after company bends the knee again and again when social justice ideologues protest and complain pretty much anything that a company does. Companies spend uncountable amounts of money to placate to these people, often even going so far as to institute policy changes within the company to do so.

Country after country, in most of western Europe as well as many other places (like Canada, Australia and so on) is restricting rights and freedoms at an ever increasing rate, and imposing social justice ideology onto the population, and actively trying to destroy their own culture and society as it exists.

In contrast, what are the critics and anti-SJWs doing? What are they achieving? Pretty much nothing. Even very small victories tend to be only temporary, and overshadowed by ten times worse acts in the opposite direction. For every anti-SJW victory there will be a hundred SJW victories in other areas.

Most of anti-SJW activity is restricted to YouTube and a handful of online forums (that still allow such activity to happen; expect that to end in the near future). They have little to no effect on anything. They don't affect policies, corporations, institutions, the press, schools, and so on. Anti-SJW activism is completely ineffective and achieves very little, and even the little that it does is insignificant compared to the SJW activism.

The United Kingdom is the early warning of things to come: In that country the police has for years been a morality police. If you say the wrong thing online, police officers will come knocking at your door in order to harass you for your thought crime, sometimes even going so far as to take you to jail. (Over a thousand such incidents are happening in the UK every year, and it's only increasing.)

If you live in a western European country, expect this to become a reality there in the near future as well.

Enjoy your rights and freedoms while you can. They are not going to last. The opposition is too weak and ineffective to stop the inevitable.


  1. And what would you suggest those Anti-SJWs do? have you seen videos where Marvel Comics is going down because of SJW stuff, Amber Heard getting hate form whats going on with Johnny Depp, those critics and anti-SJWs doing is making videos on this stuff, you should know that people vote with their wallets so it affects corporations financially so it goes woke goes break


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