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Feminist hypocrisy, Joe Biden edition

There's a viral video circulating of Joe Biden being confronted by some worker at one of his political rallies, asking him why he wants to ban guns, and Biden responding with "you are full of shit".

At one particular point in the middle of this confrontation a female aide of Biden tries to defuse the situation by saying to the worker "ok, thank you for..." before being interrupted by Biden, who says to her, and I kid you not, "shush!"

Imagine if it had been Donald Trump who had done this in a similar situation. You would not hear the end of it. All the major anti-Trump news channels, CNN, MSNBC etc, would go for literally days talking about nothing else than this incident. Twitter would explode, with Twitter feminists doing nothing more than to write angry tweets about the incident. The word "misogynist" would probably, and without exaggeration, be written over a million times in total. This incident would be constantly, constantly, be referred to for years to come, non-stop. Any time any sort of conversation about Trump would arise, the incident would be brought up, about Trump shushing his female aide, which they would consider literally tantamount to raping her. Even the most moderate anti-Trumpers would consider it deeply disrespectful and misogynist.

But since it was Joe Biden who did it... well, nothing. Crickets. All the anti-Trump news networks are silent about it, the Twitter activist mob is silent about it... Nothing.

Because, you know, they are activists only when it suits them.
