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Social justice ideology poisons everything... including me

The modern social justice ideology is extraordinarily toxic, and poisons every aspect of society, due to the army of activists that have successfully invaded everything.

One thing I really hate about it is how it affects me personally as well. How it poisons my mind.

I'm not referring here to it being convincing, and how I am starting to seriously consider the claims that the ideology is making. In fact, I'm referring to the exact opposite.

By being so ubiquitous, so obnoxious, so in-your-face, so aggressive and insulting, so deliberately provocative, I can't help but to be pushed away from everything that the ideology promotes. Sometimes in not so constructive ways. Ironically, I feel like the social justice ideology is not only radicalizing its followers, but also its opponents, including me. Radicalizing them in the opposite end of the spectrum. No matter how much I try to combat it, I just can't help the instinctive feelings I get.

What am I talking about here, exactly?

Ten years ago I had absolutely no problem with, for example, homosexuals, even very overt and flamboyant ones. I'm not one myself, but I literally had absolutely no problem with people being such, and even outwardly expressing themselves as such. Whatever floats everybody's boats, I say. Everybody should feel free to be what they like, and express themselves however they like. I have never had any flamboyant gay person as a friend, but I wouldn't have minded at all having one. In fact, it would have been really interesting. (No, not in that way. Just for the sake of having variety in my friendships, to have interesting friends with their own interesting inoffensive quirks and personality traits.)

Nowadays, however, no matter how much I try to maintain that same attitude, I just can't help but to get an instinctive feeling of disgust towards overly flamboyant gays. Not a very strong disgust, mind you, but still a bit of it. I quickly try to silence that feeling whenever I get it, but I just can't help getting it.

This is directly caused by having been exposed for years to the toxicity of social justice ideology. They have been so obnoxious, so provocative, so insulting, so in-your-face, that I have just grown to find it all despicable and disgusting. And, unfortunately, by extension I can't help but get an instinctive (but relatively mild) sense of disgust with most things that they promote and showcase around.

A long time ago if there was some kind of same-sex romance in some movie or TV series, for example, I was just fine with it, especially if it was well-written and tasteful (and especially if it was between two women, I freely admit; sue me). Nowadays I immediately get a sense of instinctual disgust and suspicion about it. I can't help but get the suspicion that the plot was added there because of social justice ideology pushing and social engineering, and I get a feeling of disgust about it all. It may well be that at least in some instances the motivation behind that plot had absolutely nothing to do with social justice ideology, that the scriptwriter had nothing like that in mind at all... but I can't help but be suspicious about it. It completely kills any enjoyment from the movie or episode in question.

I don't like these instinctual unavoidable feelings of disgust at such things, but that's what the social justice poison does. It can work in both directions. (And that's, in fact, why it's so dangerous, as it only makes things worse on all sides.)
