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The Emperor's New Clothes, Swedish version

The Emperor's New Clothes is a classical tale written by Hans Christian Andersen. In short, in a medieval kingdom a charlatan tries to sell the king a new outfit made of cloth that's so magical that it's invisible to those who are stupid or incompetent. The king, and everybody in court, can't see the cloth, of course, but is too afraid of saying anything lest they give the impression of being stupid. The king parades around town in his new "clothes", and every townperson is too afraid of saying anything, lest they be deemed stupid. Of course there are no clothes, and is all a ruse, and the king is just parading around naked. But everybody is too scared to say anything.

This story would be charming and funny, if it weren't so cautionary, and applied so well to real life.

Sweden, in particular, has suffered for many years an astonishingly massive and deep "emperor's new clothes" syndrome.

As you might know, "anti-racism" and multiculturalism has been the de facto state religion of Sweden for something like 30 years now, escalating more and more over the decades, especially in the last 10 or so years. Part of this "anti-racism" religion is xenophilia to an absolutely pathological extent. A cult of worshipping the foreign. The more foreign it is, the better. And the more foreign-looking foreigners come into the country, the better. And if anybody dares to say anything bad about these holy foreigners, that person will be severely punished.

Regardless of this, Sweden still has a modicum of immigration laws, policies and restrictions. It's not completely and totally 100% open borders for every foreign-looking person that arrives. Some nominal restrictions still apply.

One consequence of these laws and restrictions is that children will get a refugee status much more easily than adults. It's almost automatic: If you are an underage person seeking refugee status, it's almost guaranteed that you will get it.

Well, guess if the flood of immigrants know this perfectly well. And guess if it's being abused to its full extent.

Indeed, an astonishing number of "child refugees" in Sweden are quite clearly not underage. Even some Swedish newspapers (astonishingly enough) are starting to write articles about it. Even by conservative estimates at least 78% of "refugees" arriving at Sweden lie about their age.

But, of course, the "anti-racism" multiculturalist indoctrination sits very deep in the Swedish psyche, which is where the whole "emperor's new clothes" syndrome kicks in.

"Refugees" who are quite clearly in their 30's, even by the most optimistic estimation in their mid-20's, are being put in school as 12-year-olds, among 10-12-year-old students. Among many other such things. In a particularly egregious example, a man clearly in his 30's won a swimming competition aimed at 10-12-year-old school students, and was posing with the 12-or-so years old second and third place winners. Many of the pictures of these people, twice the height and three times the age of all the children around them, would be absolutely ridiculous if they weren't so terrifying.

And everybody in Sweden is too afraid of saying anything. Too afraid to point out that the king has no clothes. These adult men, in their late 20's and 30's, are being put into kids' schools and activities, pretending to be their age, and paraded around as "refugee children", and featured in newspapers, and nobody is saying anything, because they are too scared to speak out. Nobody is allowed to say that hey, these are not children, they are adults, and thus they have no right to have a refugee status reserved for underage people. Not to talk about the creepiness factor.
