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Historical revisionism of the present

Historical revisionism is the act of distorting, fabricating and lying about some historical event or situation, most often with the purpose of driving some kind of agenda, such as a political or religious agenda. Known history about some event is deliberately attempted to be changed to paint something in a more positive or a more negative light, or to justify something, to do some social engineering, or to drive some other similar goal. Quite often historical revisionism is a form of propaganda.

The more distant the historic event, the easier it is to distort it. After all, the more time has passed, usually the less documentation we have about the details of what happened. It's easy to do some historical revisionism about things that happened 2000 years ago, because we only have very limited information about that time in history.

Conversely, the more recent the events in question, the more audacious (and often ridiculous) the historic revisionism is. Some of the most ridiculous forms of attempted historical revisionism is, for example, trying to distort what really happened in World War II, just a mere 60 years ago. We have quite plenty of documentation of those events, so trying to distort it is quite audacious.

The logical extreme of this ridiculousness is, of course, trying to engage in historic revisionism of... the present! Of current events. Only a lunatic would try to do that. It would be rather insane to try to claim that something is happening that is not, because we can corroborate it right now. We don't even have to rely on some ancient documents or really old photographs, footage or newspaper articles. We can corroborate it in person, right now. Nobody would be insane enough to try this, right?

Well, that's exactly what the regressive left is doing, especially in the United States.

They live, essentially, in an imaginary world that doesn't exist, and they are adamant that it actually reflects reality.

For example, they consider Donald Trump to be literally worse than Hitler, a criminal crook who is constantly committing all kinds of crimes against humanity, who is deeply racist, saying racist things all the time, and so on and so forth. Not that they can give any concrete examples of this, but it's true because they say it's true.

They also pretend that the situation in the United States is absolutely horrendous, especially for black people, Hispanics and immigrants. That the amount of racist violence and discrimination has increased many-fold, and that there's constant violence and attacks everywhere, all the time, and that the entire country is like a hellhole that's extremely dangerous for these people.

Yet, once again, the evidence is badly lacking. If the amount of racist violence had increased that much in the country, surely the leftist media and newspapers (which is the vast majority of them) would be constantly reporting about it. Surely the Twitter feeds of regressive leftists would be stock full of links to such articles, every day.

Yet, nothing. As I have noted before, even the most rabid SJW Twitter activists can't seem to find any juicy stories of "white supremacists", "neonazis" and "racists" committing acts of violence, anywhere.

Still, when you hear them talk, they still keep pretending like the United States has turned into a hellhole after Trump was elected president. Many of them claim in all seriousness that the country is extremely dangerous and that such acts of violence are happening every day... even though they can't point to any examples. They don't care about examples. They know it to be true, and they won't believe otherwise, no matter what.
