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The constantly-changing SJW mind: Addendum 2

Some time ago I wrote a couple of blog posts about how consistency is not one of the strong points of far-leftist "social justice" ideology. They will strongly defend and fight for a particular position today, and do the same thing for the exact opposite position tomorrow. Whichever position suits their agenda and gives them most power, that they will defend. The exact same people can extremely strongly say one thing today, and the exact opposite a year from now, and they will not even bat an eye (and, of course, they will be completely silent about their past opposite opinion.)

There are several examples behind that link above, but here's yet another one:

Many years ago the far left was strongly advocating for the notion that there is no such thing as a "male brain" and a "female brain", that both men and women have literally identical brains and it's impossible to distinguish between the two. Many articles were written about how scientific study after scientific study had proven that there was no difference between the two, that they are completely indistinguishable, and any claim of the contrary is just false and based on absolutely nothing. No difference whatsoever, scientific fact!

Well, fast-forward to this day, and what do you know, far-leftists are today holding the exact opposite position. About how it has been scientifically proven that "trans" people literally have "the brain structure" of the opposite sex. A scientific fact!

Never mind that a mere 10 years ago it was also a "scientific fact" that there are no measurable differences between the brains of people of different sexes. Today it's a "scientific fact" that there are differences and they are measurable.

Why? Because it serves better their narrative and agenda, of course.
