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The drawback of people fleeing the "blue states"

The United States is colloquially divided into the "red states" and the "blue states", where the former are run by a majority Republican (ie. "right-wing") government and the latter by a majority Democrat (ie. "left-wing") government.

The "bluest" of the states, ie. the most far-leftist ones, have in the past decade or so become essentially hellholes where crime, violence, drug abuse, homelessness and extreme lack of sanitation and hygiene on the streets have become completely rampant and uncontrollable, mainly due to the government refusing to punish criminals and remove homeless drug addicts from the streets. There are many parts of the biggest cities in these states that literally look like impoverished war-torn third-world countries (with streets full of garbage and filth, homeless people living on the streets, boarded up shops, destroyed building facades and so on). These same places looked like rich first-world neighborhoods a mere 20 years ago.

Needless to say, living in these cities has become extremely hazardous. Muggings, robberies, car thefts, and just outright physical assaults for no apparent reason, have become everyday occurrences, and for the most part the police does absolutely nothing about it. There are many parts of these cities that are extremely dangerous to just pass through. Parts that were clean, peaceful, rich and completely safe just 10-20 years ago. The fact that most shops have had to close in these neighborhoods makes it even more difficult to live there.

For this reason the worst blue states have experienced an ever-increasing amount of emigration of their citizens to other states. Conversely a lot of "red states" have been experiencing significant amounts of immigration from these blue states.

And the numbers are quite significant. According to the Census Bureau, for example in 2020 almost half a million people moved out of California (arguably the "bluest" of all states.) This is unprecedented in the entire history of the country.

For many years Republican conservatives were snickering with schadenfreude at this flight phenomenon, where citizens were leaving these far-leftist states in droves.

What these Republican conservatives didn't realize until quite recently, however, is what kind of effect this mass emigration would have on their "red states".

You see, the vast majority of these people have moved to states like Florida and Texas (traditionally and very deeply conservative Republican states). Almost half a million people from other states have immigrated into those two states in that same timespan.

What's so bad about this? What is it that these snickering conservatives failed to realize?

The fact that just because Democrats flee the hellhole states where it has become literally impossible to live doesn't mean that they stop being Democrats.

The thing about far-leftism is that it's not just a political position. As seen time and again, it's a religion. A cult. People do not become far-leftists because of rational thinking, they are indoctrinated into it. Deeply indoctrinated. And this indoctrination is not going to be erased by them merely fleeing an impoverished hellhole city.

In other words, these far-leftist Democrat "refugees within their own country" brought their far-leftist ideology, and their far-leftist politics, with them. They didn't just abandon the ideology, they didn't just leave it behind and switch sides. They brought the ideology with themselves as they moved to Texas and Florida.

So what has happened is that suddenly massive left-wing Democrat enclaves have formed in some of the biggest cities of these "red states". And the people in these enclaves are suddenly voting Democrat, which has swung the city councils deep into the "blue" side.

So, suddenly, a lot of "blue cities" have formed into these deeply "red" states.

And yes, that means everything that comes with far-leftism. The totalitarianism, the censorship, the flags, the protests, violence, the indoctrination of children with drag queens and "pride parades". Still just a minuscule fraction of what it is in California, but the early signs are already showing.

The conservative Republicans who some years ago were laughing at people fleeing the deeply blue states in droves are not laughing so hard anymore. They didn't foresee this outcome.
