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California's "reparations" are racist

Since it seems that the insanity of the far left knows no bounds, the state of California seems to be completely seriously considering giving over 1 million dollars to every single black person in the state as "reparations".

Of course there are extremely obvious problems with this, the main one being, naturally, where exactly that money is going to come from. It's estimated that these "reparations" would amount to over 600 billion dollars, which is double the annual budget of the entire state. That's the budget to run everything in the entire state. The state isn't going to just stop everything in order to give all black people money, so that 600 billion would be on top of the about 300 billion budget, meaning that the annual budget of the state would raise from about 300 billion to almost a trillion dollars. To my knowledge no politician who is driving this campaign has explained where that trillion dollars is going to come from.

There are also quite clear economic problems with this as well. It's very well known in economics that if a government were to just dump loads of free money onto the population (ie. without the equivalent production of wealth via work), not only would the value of that money plummet, but economy would crash because of that loss of value. So, quite ironically, not only would the economy suffer (probably to the point of complete collapse), but that 1 million dollars given to black people would lose most of its value, ending up having the purchasing power of just a small fraction of it. So, in the end, they would effectively not actually be giving a million dollars to every black person, in terms of purchasing power. They would be giving just a tiny fraction of it. And destroying the economy of the state and devaluing the value of everybody's money in the process.

There's also the problem that they are assuming that the black population of the state will not change in the near future. Do they seriously think that if they end up enacting this insane scheme, people residing in the rest of the country would just sit idle watching it happen? "Hey, if we move to California, they are going to give us over a million dollars!" Do they honestly think that black people would not start moving into the state in droves? If they end up enacting this bill, it's quite certain that mysteriously the black population of the state will suddenly increase ten-fold, and even more. So that 600 billion will not be even close to enough. (Even if they were to add some kind of clause that the person must have lived in the state for the past n years in order to qualify, do you really think that the people who could get their hands on that money are just going to accept that peacefully and gracefully? Especially given that a good portion of the population of the state can't even prove how long they have lived in the state, even if they have been there for decades.)

And the funny thing is that the activists demanding for these "reparations" in California are demanding more than a million dollars per person. A lot more. Like 200 million dollars per person. I don't think there's enough money in the entire country for that.

It's quite obviously a completely insane idea. However, putting all of that aside, there's an ethical problem with the idea: It's racist.

How so? Well, consider that the government would need to decide who gets the "reparation" money and who doesn't. There will be a huge amount of people opportunistically applying for it, including quite many white people. How exactly will the government decide, on a case by case basis, who to give the money to?

By evaluating the race of the person. By dividing people into groups based on race, and treating them differently based on which such group they belong to.

Which is the very definition of racism.
