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The raise of racist bigotry in the modern world is apalling

I have written about this very subject in this blog several times already, but I think it's such an astonishing and appalling thing that it deserves repeating and elaborating.

There was a relatively brief moment in the western world history, spanning very roughly from perhaps the 1970's to the early 2000's, when it looked like society was finally over with the most extreme forms of widespread racial ideology and bigotry. While individual racists did, obviously, exist even in that era, they had become more and more of a very small fringe minority with no influence, no power, no public acceptance.

In other words, for a moment it looked like we, as a society, had finally moved a step up culturally and socially, as the human species as a whole.

Thus, it's completely appalling to see that it was just temporary, and the old racist instinct of humans is once again raising its ugly head. The targets of the racism may have changed, but pretty much nothing else. It's all eerily reminiscent of the racist ideologies of centuries past, and it's scary how widely it's accepted, agreed on, and allowed to be broadcast as fact.

While these ideas go back many decades, they have only gained mainstream popularity and spread only in the last 10-15 years or so. Indeed, many of the things that are being very openly and unashamedly stated to millions of people would have been things that would have never been considered acceptable just 20 years ago.

There are many, many people in western society who think of white people in a very similar way as the Nazis thought of Jewish people. They think that all white people, without exception, are innately evil, racist and oppressive. Some of them actually and seriously think that racism, prejudice and oppression is literally encoded in the DNA of white people. No hyperbole, no exaggeration. They literally think that given advanced enough technology you could pinpoint the exact genes in the DNA of white people which encodes racism, prejudice and oppression. Genes that non-white people do not have. I wish I was kidding.

While still somewhat of a small minority, there are nevertheless many, many people out there who think that every single bad thing in the world, caused by humans, is because of white people. Even evil things done by non-white people is caused ultimately because of white people (ie. they "learned" to do the evil things from white people, catching the bad habit, and that if white people didn't exist they wouldn't have learned nor done these things.)

Many of these people seriously think that if white people ceased to exist, the world would become a peaceful utopia. No war, no crime, no famine, no hatred, no human-caused natural disasters. The world would literally become the Arcadia of ancient Greek lore. They literally think that everything bad in the world is caused by white people, and only white people, and no other people would do anything evil if white people didn't exist.

And, of course, taking this to its logical extreme conclusion, a few of those people completely seriously advocate for the extermination of all white people. Mass genocide, concentration camps, gas chambers... a world-wide manhunt for all white people to be exterminated. Whatever it takes. And these individuals who advocate this are being 100% serious. They keep repeating over and over that they are not joking, they are not just trying to be edgy and provocative, it's not hyperbole, it's not exaggeration. They assert, again and again, that they are actively advocating for this 100% seriously.

And the worst part of this is that governments and the mainstream media at large are just acting as bullhorns for this extremist racist ideology, often repeating even the most extremist views and stating them as true and desirable, and even openly celebrating any news that white people are disappearing from society, sometimes even with loud cheers and applause, as if it were the best news ever.

It's astonishing and appalling to witness first-hand this kind of extremist racist ideology spreading like wildfire, even though for a time it looked like society had finally gotten over such thinking.
