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WTF happened to Ethan Klein?

Consider this actual real quote, talking about Ben Shapiro:

"If there's another Holocaust, if they start rounding up the Jews again, I hope Ben gets gassed first."

This, in context, was said in seriousness, as the person's own opinion, not that person eg. quoting someone else, or in some kind of context like "there are people out there who say things like 'if there's another Holocaust (etc)'". The person saying his own opinion on the subject matter, talking about Ben Shapiro.

Ben Shapiro is a Jewish man (and quite openly so).

Was that sentiment expressed by some kind of right-wing extremist neo-Nazi Hitler-loving anti-semitic white supremacist?

No, it was said by one Ethan Klein.

Ethan Klein is a very long-time YouTube gamer and entertainer with a quite sizeable amount of subscribers (which makes him a YouTube celebrity), who has during the last few years swung extremely hard to the upper left corner of the political spectrum chart. This even though for quite a long time he used to be very reasonable when it comes to politics, and even interviewed many people from both sides of the political aisle. (Now he says that he regrets having interviewed "right-wingers" like Jordan Peterson and has removed those particular videos.)

In other words, Ethan Klein is a far-leftist extremist social justice warrior intersectional feminist... who hates Ben Shapiro (who is a famous American conservative political commentator) so much that he sounds like a Hitler-loving neo-Nazi when talking about Ben.

It just goes to show how true the "horseshoe theory of politics" is. (In other words, the more extreme you go to the left or the right side of the political spectrum, the more they start resembling each other.)

Ethan Klein responded to the backlash with a "it was just a joke", and he protested the videos' removal from YouTube.

Even if it was originally intended as a joke, by any societal standard it's a completely distasteful and hideous one. It doesn't matter if you are a leftist or a conservative, making that kind of extremely explicit "joke" about a Jewish person is completely distasteful and deplorable. You don't joke about Jews like that, given their history.

The funny thing is that this is once again a case of "it's ok when we do it" hypocrisy. The far left does not tolerate in the least any "joke" made at the expense of their pet victims (or even themselves), and will go their way to "cancel" anybody who makes that kind of "jokes". They have attacked and harassed people for making jokes that are only a small fraction as offensive as what Ethan Klein said.

However, as I have mentioned many times in this blog and elsewhere, "when you (think you) have the moral high ground, you can do no wrong, and you can do anything you want". When they think that they are morally superior, when they are "on the right side of history", when they are the virtuous moral guardians of humanity, they honestly think that they should be allowed to say and do pretty much anything they want without any social repercussions or backlash. Including the very things that they attack their "enemies" for saying or doing.
