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What does "gender non-binary" even mean?

"Gender non-binary" is one of the many pet buzzwords of the far left. They designate themselves with that moniker and flaunt it around like it were some kind of badge of honor.

But what does it even mean? I have never heard a clear definition or explanation.

It cannot refer to biological sex. No matter what goes inside your brain, no matter what words come out of your mouth, no matter what you claim (and demand others at gunpoint to accept and affirm), no matter how you behave (either naturally or as an act), that does not change your biology. It doesn't change your DNA, it doesn't change your chromosomes, it doesn't change your organs, and what kind of organs those chromosomes have produced. Your words and your thoughts have zero effect on your physical body.

Sometimes they will say that they are "gender non-binary" because they "don't conform to a particular gender role".

That still doesn't really say anything. In fact, I have never heard them explain what these "gender roles" actually are, in detail, that they "don't conform to".

I get the strong impression that what they actually mean is that they don't fulfill every single characteristic of some straw-man stereotype. Some kind of "traditional" concept of a "man" or a "woman", what it is to be "masculine" or "feminine". With which I suspect they mean that a "masculine role" is essentially a frat-boy, and a "feminine role" is a delicate wallflower who always wears frilly dresses and acts in a very stereotypical manner.

Nobody conforms exactly to any particular stereotype. The more precisely you describe that stereotype, the more characteristics you add to the definition, the less people fulfill all those characteristics. If, for example, they say that a "male gender role" is one where a man never cries, well, pretty much no man fulfills that stereotype. On average men might cry less than women, but that doesn't mean they never, ever cry, under any circumstance, no matter what. The frequency and amount varies from individual to individual. And that's just one example. The more such definitions you add to a particular "gender role", the less people fit into it.

Which means that them declaring themselves "gender non-binary" actually means nothing.  It doesn't actually make them any different than the vast, vast majority of other people. Everybody behaves slightly differently, and nobody fits perfectly in a tight box of definitions. In this sense, nobody "conforms to a gender role", as they probably mean it.

In other words, they are not special (no matter how much they want to think they are). They are no different. They are just the same as pretty much everybody else (in the sense of "not conforming" to some particular definition).

In other words, "gender non-binary" means nothing. It's just devoid of any significant meaning. It's a completely useless pet word. It's just a silly attempt at feeling special and grab attention.
