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The lies about "intersex" people

There's a comic strip that summarizes the approach at studying the physical world taken by the scientific method and by creationists:

The scientific method: "Here are the facts. What conclusions can be draw from them?"

The creationist method: "Here's the conclusion. What facts can we find to support it?"

The modern far-leftist neo-Marxist "social justice" trans-activist ideology takes this exact same approach when it comes to the science of human biology. This includes a good majority of scientists who have been brainwashed into the cult. They have already decided on the conclusion, and are trying hard to make evidence fit this conclusion. And if they can't find the evidence, or the evidence is not convincing enough, they'll just fabricate and lie about it.

Scientific American is a popular science magazine, one of the biggest in existence. Recently they created a documentary video "debunking the myth of the sex binary".

One of the main arguments they present in the video is the favorite of trans activists: The existence of so-called "intersex" people (as if that, somehow, supported the idea of a person transitioning from one sex to the opposite). They claim that 1.7% of the population is "intersex".

As you might have guessed, that's just an outright lie. The claim is not based on any actual scientific studies or any scientifically verifiable data. If you dig out the actual number, the actual estimate is that less than 0.02% of the population is "intersex".

Scientific American has inflated the number almost a hundred-fold, in order to promote their agenda.

Or perhaps more precisely, they are deliberately using a completely unfounded unsupported figure that has no basis in reality nor actual scientific studies. The 1.7% figure comes from a book written by a trans activist, and is based on absolutely nothing. The book is not a peer-reviewed scientific publication, just some random person's work. Scientific American has taken this completely made-up percentage from some random book, and presenting it as if it were a known scientific fact.

Another blatant lie that the video makes is that the notion of there being two sexes, male and female, was invented in western countries in the 1800's, and that prior to that no such distinction was made and there was just "one sex" (and that women were just considered an "inferior" version of that one sex).

This is, rather obviously, complete fiction. Every single culture from the entire history of humanity has recognized the difference between men and women. Literature from the entire history of humanity, going back thousands of years, recognizes the difference between men and women. Heck, religious origin stories almost invariably, regardless of religion, culture and point in time, have a story about the creation of the man and the woman, the male and the female. And not only for humans, but for animals and even fictional beings like gods (many religions, such as Hinduism and the ones of ancient Rome and Greece, have the notion of there being gods and goddesses, two separate sexes even among the gods).

I find it amazing how many similarities there is between the modern far-leftist ideology and religious cults. I find it scary how strongly this cult has invaded the scientific community and made scientists behave like creationists, reversing the scientific process.
