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A delusional form of extremist thinking in the far left

It seems to be that the far left can only think in extremes. If they see something as being bad, they will sooner or later take it to its absolute extreme, no matter how unrealistic or contrary to reality it is. If they see something as good, they will likewise take it to the absolute extreme, no matter how delusional, unrealistic or even harmful that may be.

Two particular examples of taking what they consider bad things to their absolute unrealistic delusional extremes are their concept of and attitude towards capitalism and white people. (This extremist thinking might not yet be completely universal among the left, but it's gaining traction and becoming more and more widespread by the month.)

At least some of them seem to think that pretty much everything that's bad, negative or difficult in society that's related to economics is because of capitalism. And only because of capitalism.

Poverty? Caused by capitalism (obviously). People living in poor conditions and having hard time making ends meet and even pay rent and surviving? Capitalism. People having to work 8-hour days, and even longer, in hard physically exerting work, five or six days a week, for a meager salary that barely helps them survive? Capitalism, of course.

Thus, they have come to the logical conclusion that if and when they get rid of capitalism, all those negative economic things will magically go away. Suddenly everybody will live a very easy comfortable life with no economic struggles, nobody being exploited, having very easy lightweight jobs (or even no jobs at all), with plenty of free time for hobbies, etc. They think that once capitalism ends, they can dedicate their entire lives to hobbies and passions, like art, music, painting, writing, teaching others about the wonders of the social justice religion, and so on.

They seem to have this very strange and naive notion that wealth just exists on its own, that it emanates from the ground or something, and that if we just shared it equally then everybody would be free or hardship and exploitation and could live a very comfortable carefree life, while doing little or no hard work. That it's only because of greedy corporation and super-rich people who are hoarding all this free wealth for themselves that people live in poverty and hardship, and are exploited. Get rid of these greedy capitalist corporations and rich people, and suddenly everybody is wealthy and happy.

Rather obviously real life doesn't work like that.

The other strange (and very racist) notion they have is that pretty much everything that's bad and negative in the world (including, of course, capitalism itself) is because of white people. War, famine, slavery, pollution, destruction of nature, climate change, genocide... Everything was invented by and exists because of white people.

There are far-leftists who are seriously positing and dreaming of a world where white people do not exist anymore and, thus, peace is finally achieved. No more wars, no more exploitation, no more racism, no more slavery, no more famine, no more climate change. Everybody will finally live in peace in a worldwide utopia, a worldwide Arcadia.

Of course the real world doesn't work like that. People have hated and warred with other people since pretty much the entire existence of what can be classified as humans. Even people who look exactly like each other have hated and warred with each other for millenia, just because they happen to be from a rival tribe, city, state or whatever. This has nothing to do with racism. Race might be brought up as an excuse to hate the other people if it happens to be convenient, but people are masters at inventing reasons and excuses to hate other people even if they look exactly the same. If they can't rile up people against other people because they look different, they will do so with whatever other reasons they come up with.

Even if one day the wildest dreams of the racist left come true and white people are somehow completely eradicated and exterminated from the face of Earth, peace will most definitely not follow. People will still hate each other and fight with each other and declare war on each other. They will always come up with reasons to find enemies and injustices.
