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The irony of there being thousands of "gender identities" and "expressions"

The modern social justice ideologues are like a bunch of little children playing pretend, in an environment where everything they say and come up with automatically becomes official canon of the roleplaying. Everything, no matter how ridiculous or insane, becomes automatically official, added to the list of official facts, to be respected. Thus, they start inventing more and more ridiculous things. Everybody wants to be that person who invented something, like an idea or a word, and it becoming something official and recognized by everybody else.

Thus these adult children have been roleplaying in real life and inventing more and more of the most ridiculous, contrived and obscure "gender identities", "gender expressions" and whatnot, with lots of random fancy words and prepositions, like "demi", or "neuro", or "pan" and so on and so forth.

Like children, everybody wants to feel special by coming up with their own "gender identity" or whatever, and being special and "unique" and different and diverse.

If you search, you'll find online lists of such invented terms that contain hundreds and hundreds, even thousands of items and their alleged explanations.

What they don't realize, however, is that there's a great irony in all this.

The irony is that a sheer oversaturation of such ideas and terms waters down their significance and importance. If there were only a few, like two or three, "special" categories, which only a few people possess, then those categories stand out and become distinct and visible.

However, when there exist literally thousands of such "special" categories, the individual significance of each one gets watered down. Suddenly, when you invent yet another new category for yourself, like a "demineuroqueer genderless bi-asexual", it just gets added to the list, and it just gets buried among the thousands of other similar made-up terms that already exist there.

Suddenly, you aren't actually "special". Suddenly, your unique categorization of yourself loses pretty much all significance because it ironically does not stand out from the rest, because of the sheer volume of such terms. You are just one among an amorphous mass of other such "identities". There's nothing in your particular made-up "identity" that would stand out from the rest. You are just completely like everybody else, because everybody else is also using made-up terms from a list of thousands.

Ironically, it has become so bad that to stand out from the social justice crowd you actually have to be traditional and normal. If you are just a normal heterosexual male or female (completely corresponding to your biological sex), ironically you are now the odd one out, you are the special one, you are the one that stands out from the rest. By being normal and traditional, you are the special one.

That's the great irony of it.
