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Actor David Harbour is a mentally retarded idiot

Actor David Harbour, known for his roles in the Black Widow movie and the TV series Stranger Things, recently made comments defending socialism during a promo of that movie. He said:

"I don't know that there's anyone who could disagree with socialist ideology. If you work at Starbucks and you make the coffee, then you should own it. You're the one making the coffee!"

This is seriously the most idiotic argument I have ever heard in my life. It's stupid beyond belief.

Suppose that you hire some guy to build PCs for your company. You tell him: "Here are 2000 dollars worth of PC components. I'll pay you 100 dollars if you build the PC for me."

So, he builds the PC, and then says: "This PC is now mine. I built it, therefore now I own it."

You purchased the 2000 dollars worth of PC components, and you are paying the guy 100 dollars to build the PC, but now he owns the PC, the whole 2000 dollars worth of it, because he built it?

The person working at Starbucks didn't cultivate, harvest nor buy the coffee beans, he didn't buy the building nor the equipment, he didn't buy any of the ingredients nor tools necessary to make the coffee, and he's being paid a salary for making the coffee... and for that reason he gets to own the coffee? It's now his personal property because he made it? From ingredients he didn't buy, using tools he didn't buy, in a building he doesn't own?

How does that make any kind of sense? David Harbour is a mental retard who should seek psychological help.

He continues:

"The fact is that the implementation of these things has led to some of the deepest fascism in our society, so people assume that ‘communism’ means ‘fascism’ to a certain degree. That's a terrible thing."

That's because communism is fascism. For all intents and purposes they are the same thing, just differing in some minor ideological details. Every single communist regime that has ever existed has done so by oppressing and exploiting their citizens and restricting their rights and freedoms, and has only led to misery, suffering and poverty.

Most people who have lived under a communist regime have wanted to flee it, to a free country. Very rarely does someone want to flee a free country and go to a communist one. And every person who has ever fled a communist country has a similar story: That of poverty, oppression, exploitation and suffering.

Communism and socialism can go to hell alongside fascism and nazism. They are all the same bullshit.
