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Why are people still believing Brexit will happen?

The people of the United Kingdom voted in 2016 to leave the EU.

Nothing happened.

The ultimate deadline for finally leaving the EU was the beginning of 2019.

That deadline came and went, and nothing happened. The UK is still in the EU. Nothing has changed. They are still in the EU parliament. They are still electing MEP's. They are still paying billions of pounds to the EU mafia. In fact, the protection money paid to the EU actually increased this year because the UK economy is booming. There is no exit in sight.

Yet, to this day, people are still talking as if the UK is going to leave the EU. Any day now. Sure, it didn't happen in 2016, or in any of the following years, nor even the absolutely final deadline at the beginning of 2019. But surely any day now it will happen.

Let's see if in 2020 they will still be talking as if the UK is going to leave the EU any day now. Just a bit more, and surely the UK will leave. Then in 2021. Then in 2022. You know the drill.

At what point will they awaken to the fact that the UK is not leaving the EU?

If I'm wrong and the UK actually ends up leaving the EU, I will happily make a blog post admitting having been wrong. I will do so gladly and with joy!

I'm not holding my breath, though.
