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Black woman harassed and fired for wrongthink

Meet Denise Young Smith, Apple's diversity chief.

She's being harassed by an angry mob online. Not only that, but she's being fired from her job because of that outcry.

A black woman is being oppressed, harassed online, and fired from her job. It seems that the social justice warriors were right after all. I might have to revise my views on society. Perhaps the social justice warriors do have a point after all. There indeed is oppression of minority people. If a company like Apple is letting a black woman go as a result of her being a target of online abuse, there is no other conclusion. This is a real travesty.

Oh... wait...

Who exactly is doing the online harassment? A bunch of white nationalist neonazis? A bunch of American rednecks? Members of the KKK? Internet trolls?

No. None of those. It's actually the social justice warriors who are the ones engaging in harassing her online.

Wait. Weren't the social justice warriors supposed to defend minority people, and fight for them, not against them? What exactly did she do to earn the scorn of the champions of justice? Did she murder someone? Did she steal millions of dollars from a charity?

No. She said that even a roomfull of white men can have diversity of opinions.

For this wrongthink, this treason, she's now the enemy of the social justice warriors, who are mercilessly attacking her, and have caused Apple to let her go. How dare she even suggest that white men can have a diversity of opinions? How dare she suggest that white men can be competent at their jobs? This kind of thought crime cannot be allowed!

And then they wonder why people oppose feminism and social justice.
