One of the biggest lies promoted by modern far-leftism, and this quite sadly and horrendously includes many doctors (especially in the United States), is that suicide rates are very high among "trans" people who are uncomfortable with their bodies, and that these suicide rates go way down after the sex change operation.
This is such an obvious and blatant lie that it's astonishing that they have gall to just state it and repeat it over and over (in a very "Big Lie" manner). There has never, ever, in the history of humanity, been some kind of suicide epidemic among people who don't identify with their own sex. And, on the contrary, actual statistics show that suicide rates go up many-fold after the operation (something that the activists and doctors vehemently deny and dismiss, of course.)
It shouldn't really even be necessary to explain why the suicide rates go up after the operations, but I'll do it anyway.
For starters, a sex change operation is not like a nose job, ie. a cosmetic surgery of the nose. When you get the latter, it has very good prospects and very low incidence of complications, and once your face has fully healed (which usually happens in mere weeks), that's it: You can essentially forget about it. You don't have to worry about it: No further treatments needed, no further complications. You'll just be healthy and fit as always. (Yes, there are possible complications to nose surgeries, depending on the individual physical characteristics of the person and the occasional botched surgery, but these tend to be rare and oftentimes fixable with a second operation. Chronic problems are possible, but rare.)
A sex change operation, however, is many orders of magnitude more radical, more problematic, and more life-changing. And not "life-changing" as in "hey, I'm a woman now, yay!", but as in you most likely having to commit the entirety of the rest of your life to post-op care, medications and further treatments, as well as having to deal with the very high incidence of post-op complications, which may plague you for literally years. And the end result of the operation is usually less than satisfactory (to put it mildly), especially when a woman is operated into becoming "male" (although the other direction can also often result in bad outcomes).
In other words, not only will you have destroyed your body, but you are likely to become dependent on post-op care, medication and procedures for the rest of your life. You will never be able to live normally anymore, as before. It's not something that you just have it done and can then stop worrying about it, like most nosejobs.
The procedure is also so radical that there's no going back. You will have permanently crippled your body, and there's no undoing it. (There might be some reverse operations that can be done to try to restore some of the original cosmetic appearance, but it will never be the same again. Not to talk about having become sterilized.)
There are many stories about people going through the surgery and immediately regretting it afterwards, sometimes even just after waking up. The reality of the situation only hits the person once he or she has gone through it, once it has become reality. This must be one of the most horrible feelings in the world: Realizing that you have just made a huge, huge mistake, and that there's no going back. It's done. It cannot be undone. You are stuck with it, and now you'll have to suffer because of it.
But that might not actually be the primary reason why suicide rates go up after the surgeries.
The primary reason is most likely that most of these people were sold a complete lie. They were promised that the operation would solve all of their problems, that all of their struggles, fears, anxieties, bad feelings, depression, discomfort with their own bodies, would miraculously go away with the surgery.
Many of these people are fooled into believing this, then they go through the surgeries, and then over the next months and years they find out that it didn't actually solve anything. The depression is still there, the anxiety is still there, the fears and insecurities are still there, the discomfort with one's own body is still there... but a hundred-fold stronger than before. The surgery didn't solve anything! On the contrary, it only made it worse! Not only are all the psychological problems still there, unsolved, but now these people have to watch and struggle with their mutilated bodies.
This is especially likely to happen because the modern far-leftist trans-activist agenda outright discourages people from seeking psychological help, and from professionals to suggest and give it, and instead offers the surgeries as the panacea that cures all psychological problems. Turns out it doesn't solve anything, and since these people were denied the actual psychological help they needed, they still struggle with them. Only worse this time, because they destroyed their bodies for nothing.
And the worst part is that the same trans-activist agenda outright denies them help afterwards. If they express any regret, if they express that the surgeries didn't solve anything and were a huge mistake, they will be viciously attacked by their own side!
No wonder that so many people are driven to suicide, as they feel like it's the only way out of all of this.
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