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Anonymous have become lapdogs of the establishment

The modern far-leftist cult is like a cancer: It just spreads and spreads, and infects everything. Sometimes it's actually incredible what it can infect. Organizations that one couldn't have imagined in a million years being possible to infect with the ideology, have been infected.

Take the US military forces, for example. They have over a hundred years of history and customs, and is run by an extremely strict code and principles, by leaders who are mostly extremely strict old-fashioned men with very strong well-established strict rules and concepts. Just a mere ten years ago it would have been very hard to imagine the entire American military complex being infected by far-leftism. Yet, it was, and to a large extent it still is.

Take the Catholic Church, the Vatican, and the Pope. An extremely religious ultra-conservative institution that has existed for well over a thousand years, run by extremely religious ultra-conservative people, who believe in extremely strict principles and codes that likewise go back over a thousand years. The current Pope himself is an old man who was born and raised in an ultra-conservative ultra-religious ultra-Catholic country, went to Catholic seminar since a young age, and has been an ultra-conservative Catholic priest since the 1950's. If there is one institution, and one person, one would think is completely and absolutely immune to the modern far-leftist cult, it would be this. Yet, it's not. (While the Catholic Church and the Pope are not full-on far-leftists, they have adopted several new stances and principles very clearly because of modern far-leftism.)

On that same vein, the Lutheran Church of several countries is even worse, having adopted far-leftist doctrines that would have been absolutely unthinkable a mere 20 or 30 years ago. Again, the history of the Lutheran Church goes back centuries, and as an ultra-religious Christian church, one would think it would  be immune to the far-leftist doctrine (which is extremely secular, extremely anti-Christian, and preaches values that go against many of the most fundamental Christian values and teachings.) Yet, it's not.

On the less organized side of society, various groups of people who would in principle be immune have been mostly or fully infiltrated and infected as well. Consider the various "counter-culture" rebellious movements in western society: The hippies, the punk subculture, the metalheads, the "goths", the "emos", and various other rebellious "fuck the government" and "fuck society" counter-cultures: All infiltrated, all infected, all following the far-leftist cult doctrine.

The main problem with being infected and adopting the modern far-leftist ideology is that it makes people, and thus all these organizations and subcultures obedient and easy to control by the far-leftist establishment. In other words, they become lapdogs of the establishment, easy to control, easy to sway, easy to command around, easy to tell how they must think and what they must do. Far-leftism, quite deliberately, removes critical thinking (in fact, any dissent, any doubt, any criticism, any questioning of the far-leftist doctrine, no matter what it happens to be that particular week, is heavily discouraged and punished) which makes all these infected people and groups easy to manipulate.

Remember the "Occupy Wall Street" movement in 2011, where far-leftists organized a huge protest campaign against the huge megacorporations and the government supporting those megacorporations at the expense of the citizens? In other words, a protest against the establishment? Well, what do you know: Now those exact same megacorporations have "adopted" the far-leftist ideology, and now those exact same far-leftists are supporting and defending those megacorporations and their actions, and quite rabidly so. Now the same far-leftists are supporting a far-leftist government that is married to those far-leftist megacorporations. In other words, these "rebels" are now supporting the establishment (as long as it's far-leftist, of course.) It's not about abuse of power: It's about using that power to support the cause. If there is abuse of power, that's A-ok as long as it's for the cause.

There's an even more telling, and hilarious, example of that: Antifa defending giant megacorporations. That's right, the extremist far-leftist Marxist-Communist anti-capitalist group that wants nothing more than see the Capitalist west, and all the giant megacorporations, burn down and be literally destroyed and replaced with their Marxist-Communist utopia... outright defending these exact same giant megacorporations. And not just in words and social media rants, but by physically being there to protect the buildings of these giant megacorporations from "evil" conservatives who were there protesting something about said corporations. There have been several cases of this.

Antifa, like everybody else above, are just lapdogs of the establishment, useful tools. They do what they are told by the establishment. They don't question, they don't doubt, they don't show skepticism, they just obey. They do as they are told, even if that means going completely against their own principles and eg. physically defend a giant megacorporation that they hate so much. They are not a counter-culture anymore, they are not anti-establishment anymore. They have become lapdogs of the establishment.

And, what do you know, the informal group that calls themselves "Anomymous" have also become a complete lapdog of the establishment.

They started as a group of hackers and activists fighting against corrupt abusive giant organizations, such as the Church of Scientology and many others. They were rebellious, they were anti-establishment, they were against big government and huge megacorporations and their abuse of power. And now they are full-on far-leftists, spouting all the usual rhetoric, and doing what the establishment tells them to do, like the good lapdogs they are.

I find it especially hilarious that they oppose the governmental auditing that the Trump administration is currently doing. Because of course they do. The establishment has told them that it's a bad thing, and thus they oppose it. They do not think, they obey. If the far-leftist establishment tells them to sit down and roll, they will do exactly that, on command.
