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Why is Ubisoft stubbornly set on to making a mistake?

Ubisoft's newest game (as of writing this), Assassin's Creed Shadows, has been marred with controversy for something like 4 or 5 months now, if not even longer. It was initially touted as depicting a historically accurate character, which on closer inspection turned out to be almost entirely a pure fabrication invented by a single person who made up the history of that character almost completely, which has caused controversy among many Japanese people, including historians and politicians. Not only that, but the game has been marred with even more culturally insensitive controversies in addition to that, so much so that even some Japanese officials have announced they will be looking more closely at the game.

Something like three months ago Ubisoft announced that they would be delaying the release of the game by three or four months (no doubt costing them quite some millions of dollars more). Oh good, they would be fixing all these problems, removing or changing the historically inaccurate and culturally insensitive parts?

Nope. Almost nothing about the game is going to change, except perhaps some minor details (Ubisoft has not announced publicly what the changes are, but from what has been shown, nothing major.) They are set on publishing the game pretty much as it was announced half a year ago, even though the controversy has not blown over and people have not forgotten about it, and people are still to this day actively talking about it.

I don't understand why Ubisoft is set on keeping on this path.

Sure, for example changing the character of Sasuke to be someone else entirely (preferably a Japanese character) is not something that can be done overnight, but come on, I doubt it would require many months to just change one character model to another. Modders do that all the time for myriads of games, and it doesn't take them that long to do so. (Besides, there's somewhat credible insider leaks that the character was actually originally a Japanese man, before they decided to change it to Sasuke. In other words, originally the character wasn't going to be Sasuke at all, and they had already modeled it as a Japanese man at least to some extent.)

If they now changed the character of Sasuke to be just some random Japanese man, this would cause a huge hissy-fit among the modern far-left, but so what? That hissy-fit will go away in a week, before they move to be outraged by something else. This would genuinely be a storm that would just pass by quickly.

But no, for whatever reason Ubisoft is set on publishing the game as it is, regardless of all the controversies, and apparently there's nothing that can change their minds.
