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The smug disrespectful politician

One important skill for a politician is that of diplomacy. Not just diplomacy when dealing with other countries, important entities (such as big corporations) or other politicians, but quite importantly, diplomacy when it comes to one's own constituents, ie. people who voted for you and who you are representing in government.

This is especially important when facing criticism and protest from your own constituents: To keep a good image, one should be respectful towards the people you are representing, and approach such criticism with seriousness and respect.

Most politicians understand and know this skill of diplomacy towards one's own constituents. A few politicians might not, and instead just routine ignore such criticism and such protests, for example by simply walking away if presented with such in a live situation.

That, in itself, is already disrespectful, but it's nothing compared to the kind of disrespect this blog post is about.

And that's the smug disrespect that some politicians, mainly far-leftist activists, show towards their own constituents, towards the people they are supposed to represent.

Two particular examples are exceptionally egregious.

Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada, who is an extraordinarily notorious and blatant far-leftist activist, can be quite safely be called an absolute clown. But what makes him extraordinarily irritating is his constant smug attitude. He is constantly smiling in a really smug and self-aggrandizing manner, like he thinks of himself as one of the greatest people alive, always full of himself, always exuding that sentiment that he seems to think that everything he does and has accomplished is so utterly great.

This smugness also encompasses his interactions with the public in real life. There are myriads of clips of him being in some public place, eg. walking to his car or something, and citizens booing and shouting criticism at him, in situations where it's very clear that he can hear what is being said. Invariably, and astonishingly, he will smile (with that smug smile of his) and wave at the crowd as if he was actually being cheered and adulated rather than booed and criticized. If you watch the video clips, it really is like he is waving at a crowd of applauding and cheering people, rather than an angry crowd of booing people.

This kind of behavior is extraordinarily disrespectful. And par for the course for Trudeau.

But an even more egregious example, if that's even possible, is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, an (as of writing this) congressional representative of the state of New York.

There are several clips of her giving speeches and taking questions at town hall meetings (and similar events), where her own voters in the audience are heavily criticizing her. People directly saying that they voted for her, and telling how disappointed they are that she didn't keep her promises or whatever she has done wrong, even in the eyes of her own voters.

Her reaction to this criticism presented at her in a real-life situation? Some kind of serious response, indicating that she understands?

No, a smug dismissive smile that's just a step short of putting her fingers in her ears and saying "lalala I can't hear you" in a mocking voice.

This would be disrespectful and showing a complete lack of diplomacy even if the criticism was coming from Republican voters. It's extraordinarily tactless when she does this to her own voters, her own constituents.
