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No, not all cultures are equal

Regardless of what the multiculturalists and far-leftists have been loudly proclaiming for several decades, all cultures are not equal. Some cultures are genuinely and inherently more flawed and destructive than others.

There are many countries and cultures where there's a deeply ingrained sense of honor, respect, good manners and duty, taught to children. The average parents constantly teach their children how to eg. behave in public, what to say, how to interact with people. If the child does something disrespectful to someone, the parents will admonish him or her. In all kinds of social interactions, the parents will be constantly teaching the child how to behave and what to say (like "say thanks to the lady" eg. at a store's checkout.) Children are constantly being taught life skills at home, and encouraged to study, do well in school, do their homework, do house chores, and so on. Many such countries instill a deep and strong sense of honor, duty and respect into their children, so that they become polite and honorable when they grow up. Bad behavior is universally admonished and punished. In fact, in some countries, still to this day (and moreso in the recent past) schools would note if a child seemed to not be taught enough by his or her parents, and perhaps do something about it, such as calling the parents for a meeting. (In fact, eg. in Japan it has been a common custom for teachers to visit the homes of their students to interview the parents and see that they are living in decent conditions.)

In contrast, there are many other cultures that are the polar opposite of that. There's a deeply ingrained culture of outright neglect, and parents who themselves present all kinds of reprehensible behavior and, thus, directly or indirectly, are "teaching" the same reprehensible behavior to their children, who just keep passing on these customs to their children. A widespread culture of egoism, lack of empathy for others, taking advantage of others, of utter dishonesty, dishonor and disloyalty. "Opportunity makes a thief" is a core feature of these cultures. If they can steal something, they will. If they can take advantage of a stranger, they will. A culture of extreme immediate gratification, where anything they can grab they will take and use. A culture of complete lack of sense of duty and honor, and extreme laziness, cutting corners, not doing one's job unless forced to.

There are, of course, always exceptions in all cultures, but these traits cover the overwhelming majority of people, with the outliers being far and in-between. There's always the greedy selfish asshole in the otherwise extremely polite honorable culture, and there's always the kind empathetic altruist in the greedy culture, but they tend to be very rare.

These traits rarely tend to be innate, and instead they are mostly learned, taught by parents and the surrounding culture. (In fact, the exceptions might often be because of innate personality that goes in defiance with the surrounding culture.) And because culture tends to be very widespread, it's very hard to change. It's very hard to convert the second type of culture above to the first type. People who have been taught their entire lives to behave and think in a certain manner are very hard to change to become the polar opposite and, unfortunately, they tend to "infect" their children with the same traits.

I probably don't need to mention specific examples of such cultures, but I have lived in and visited several such cultures, covering both extremes. Most definitely all cultures are not equal.
