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My prediction for 2024

Some anti-leftist political commentators are hoping for a slightly brighter future in 2024 and subsequent years because they see the wider public becoming more and more fed-up with far-leftist politics and propaganda, seeing what it causes and what consequences it has (such as several cities run by far-leftists having become essentially third-world country cities, with rampant crime, homelessness, drug abuse and extreme unsafety for normal citizens.)

I am a bit more pessimistic than that.

For over 10 years now the far left has not only been gaining ground in all aspects of society at astonishing speed, but they have become bolder and bolder by the year, and more and more indoctrinated, radical and violent by the year, and resorting to more and more extreme tactics (that would have been unthinkable a mere 10 years ago) by the year.

There is absolutely no sign that they are going to stop, or even slowing down. I fear that their pace is only going to keep accelerating. They are going to become more and more aggressive, more and more radicalized, and start implementing more and more draconian measures in order to force their agenda onto society and, essentially, destroy it.

No exaggeration, this might well be the last year, or one of the very few last years, that people in many western countries will be able to still enjoy their fundamental rights, like right to free speech, freedom of the press, right to a fair trial, and so on. Given how much these rights have been eroded during the last 10 years at an ever-accelerating rate, this year of 2024 might well be the tipping point, the year when the oppression shoots up and finally overtakes our society, our rights, our freedoms. Or, at the very least, makes major steps towards it, and lays the ground for a total takeover in the next very few years.

This may well be the last year we can enjoy our rights and freedoms, before the far left takes completely over.
