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To the left gender is a binary when it's convenient for them

Some decades ago some critics of the multiculturalist ideology coined the term "ethnopositive existence" to describe the Orwellian doublethink of the far-leftist multiculturalists of the 1990's and early 2000's with regards to human race (a phenomenon that still exists to this day among the left).

It means that the concept of "race", when it comes to humans, either is an actual real thing that exists, or something that is not real and does not exist and should be got rid of, depending on which one of those is the most convenient for the current conversation at hand.

More particularly (and most usually), if the existence of human race in a particular context somehow puts white people in a negative light and/or non-white people in a positive light, then it most definitely exists and is a real thing. In contrast, if the existence of human race in another context puts white people in a positive light and/or non-white people in a negative light, then it most definitely does not exist.

Of course "race" is not the only concept for which the modern far left applies this Orwellian doublethink.

Here's another good example: The so-called "gender binary". In other words, whether there are only two "genders", men and women, or whether there are thousands of them.

In most situations if you divide people into just two "genders", men and women, the far-leftists will throw a hissy-fit. If you think that, you are a "transphobe" and completely ignorant far-right fascist (because, rather obviously, only "far-right fascists" think that there are only two genders.) After all, science has proven that gender is not a binary and it's "a spectrum" and it's completely fluid, and there are millions of genders, and you can be one gender now and a completely different gender five minutes from now! It's a well-established hard scientific fact! Ask any biologist!

But, like always, all that goes right out the window when it's most convenient for the current narrative at hand, and in particular contexts they have no problems whatsoever into dividing people into exactly two "genders", when it suits them.

Take, for example, "gender equality" eg. at workplaces. Make a fancy spiel about how in some particular industry or company "gender equality" has not been achieved because, say, 80% of the employees or upper management are men and 20% are women, and how this is a travesty and a crime against humanity.

Very curiously there will be no screeching by the far-leftists about gender not being a binary, and that you can't just divide people into two genders, and how gender is fluid, and that you can't just assume people's gender, and that there are thousands of different genders. Suddenly they are 100% fine in dividing people into "men" and "women" and that's it. Suddenly they have no problems in someone claiming that there are eg. "80% men, 20% women" in eg. a particular company or industry. No screeching leftist harpies complaining about "transphobia" and gender being a "social construct".

Isn't that curious?

But it's par for the course for the far left. There are exactly two genders when it suits the narrative, and there are millions of genders when that suits the narrative. Whatever is the most convenient for the current activism at hand.
